AMV是BAE在测试,澳洲貌似要买。BAE Systems Australia signed an agreement in September 2014 under which the company will team with Patria of Finland and offer the Patria AMVXP to meet the future Australian Army Land 400 Phase 2 requirement 这玩意销量可以,也卖了几个国家了。 AAV7在2014.5才拿到了升级项目,目测还能服役好久,巴西最近也才购买23辆。 M-8 AGS 因为美军需要Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) ,所以在2015.9的AUSA中展出,以满足这种潜在需求,此车现在已经开发完成,并针对美军需求做了些许改进:This was shown armed with the 105 mm M35 rifled gun, full armour suite including mocks up of the ERA and with the normal steel tracks replaced by rubber band tracks which have a number of advantages. -----來自海上自衛隊第四代對空誘導彈護衛艦“雪波”型三號艦【未來】
陆军规划者们表示: they are considering a mobile protected firepower programme for a vehicle able to quickly deploy and provide protection, lethality, and mobility for airborne troops. 对于这样的车辆的需求还没有最后确定,但BAE系统公司相信其M8装甲火炮系统 The MPF, which on the surface appears similar to a light tank, could result in a platform similar to the BAE System Armored Gun System (AGS), which the company rolled out again during an army convention in October 2015. To kick off an MPF programme the army has requested USD9.678 million in FY 2017. 目前已知能够替代好MPF的就是M-8 AGS,并且已经开发完成。 麦克马斯特中将说:he would prefer a vehicle that could keep pace and range with wheeled Stryker vehicles. -----海军兴则国家兴,海军衰则国家衰