// Choose ONLY ONE option from the following long list :-
// latest release...
//#define MULTIWII // Uncomment this if you are using latest MULTIWII version from repository (2.4 at time of this MWOSD release)
//#define BASEFLIGHT // Uncomment this if you are using latest BASEFLIGHT version from repository (Stable 2015.06.27 at time of this MWOSD release)
#define CLEANFLIGHT // Uncomment this if you are using latest CLEANFLIGHT version from repository (1.9.0 at time or this MWOSD release)
//#define HARIKIRI // Uncomment this if you are using HARIKIRI (for BOXNAMES compatibility)
//#define NAZA // Uncomment this if you are using NAZA flight controller
//#define GPSOSD_UBLOX // Uncomment this if you are using a UBLOX GPS module for a GPS based OSD
//#define GPSOSD_NMEA // Uncomment this if you are using a NMEA compatible GPS module for a GPS based OSD
//#define GPSOSD_MTK // Uncomment this if you are using a MTK module for a GPS based OSD
//#define NOCONTROLLER // Uncomment this if you ahave nothing connected to the serial port - no controller or GPS module
// old releases supported...
//#define MULTIWII_V23 // Uncomment this if you are using MW versions 2.2/2.3
//#define MULTIWII_V21 // Uncomment this if you are using MW versions 2.0/2.1 (for BOXNAMES compatibility)
//#define BASEFLIGHT20150327 // Uncomment this if you are using BASEFLIGHT up to and including version Stable 2015.03.27
//#define CLEANFLIGHT172 // Uncomment this if you are using CLEANFLIGHT versions up to and including 1.7.2
//#define CLEANFLIGHT180 // Uncomment this if you are using CLEANFLIGHT versions 1.8.0 & 1.8.1