Some time ago,a young boy named WeiZexi’s death,pushed Baidu in the teeth of the public opinion.WeiZexi, 21, had already been diagnosed as having a terminal soft tissue disease when his family found an experimental immunotherapy treatment at a Beijing hospital run by the armed police force via a Baidu search.He spent more than 200,000 yuan on the therapy but it failed, he said in a posting on zhihu.He had borrowed money to cover his costs.Search services accounted for nearly 84 percent of Baidu's total revenues last year, the company's annual report showed.Baidu's lucrative online marketing business has been hugely controversial.As we all know ,Wei’s death was caused by all of these reasons ,behaind which is the lack of business morality. If the medical stuff had paid more attention and humanity care to WeiZexi,he probably won’t die , if there was no paid listing , there also won’t be the fraud and exaggerated information.