<embed src="http://music.163.com/style/swf/widget.swf?sid=32063378&type=2&auto=1&width=320&height=66" width="340" height="86" allowNetworking="all"></embed>
Bura mi je ziparinka bila,
Zipjuć me je va morje stavjala
Mornari me va mrižu lovili
Prodali me biloj Katarini
Bura mi je ziparinka bila
Zipjuć me je va morje stavjala
Mornari me va mrižu lovili
Prodali me biloj Katarini
Oj, divojko, jabuko rumena
Parim da te, ma, naranča rodila
Nije mene naranča rodila
Za goru me je mat moja rodila
Katarina dobra žena bila
Ka je mene ma bilu odgojila.
Z bilim kruhom i crljenim vinom
Z bilim kruhom i crljenim venom
A cold bora was there for me,
She cradled me and put me to the sea.
Sailors caught me to their net
They sold me to white Catherine
A cold bora was there for me,
She cradled me and put me to the sea.
Sailors caught me to their net
They sold me to white Catherine
O, girl, you blushing apple,
It seems to me that you, oh, were born by anorange.
I wasn't given birth by an orange,
Beyond the mountain my mother gave brith to me
Catherine was a good woman
Who had raised, oh, white me
On white bread and red wine
On white bread and red wine
<embed src="http://music.163.com/style/swf/widget.swf?sid=32063378&type=2&auto=1&width=320&height=66" width="340" height="86" allowNetworking="all"></embed>
Bura mi je ziparinka bila,
Zipjuć me je va morje stavjala
Mornari me va mrižu lovili
Prodali me biloj Katarini
Bura mi je ziparinka bila
Zipjuć me je va morje stavjala
Mornari me va mrižu lovili
Prodali me biloj Katarini
Oj, divojko, jabuko rumena
Parim da te, ma, naranča rodila
Nije mene naranča rodila
Za goru me je mat moja rodila
Katarina dobra žena bila
Ka je mene ma bilu odgojila.
Z bilim kruhom i crljenim vinom
Z bilim kruhom i crljenim venom
A cold bora was there for me,
She cradled me and put me to the sea.
Sailors caught me to their net
They sold me to white Catherine
A cold bora was there for me,
She cradled me and put me to the sea.
Sailors caught me to their net
They sold me to white Catherine
O, girl, you blushing apple,
It seems to me that you, oh, were born by anorange.
I wasn't given birth by an orange,
Beyond the mountain my mother gave brith to me
Catherine was a good woman
Who had raised, oh, white me
On white bread and red wine
On white bread and red wine