The first (very short) description of Echeveria peacockii by Croucher in The Gardeners' Chronicle (23 May 1874) referred to a plant with pulverulent leaves, introduced from California. A little later, in August of the same year, Baker published a much more detailed description of the same plant as Cotyledon (Echeveria) peacockii. He explained that "it comes nearest the well-known and now widely-spread Cotyledon (Echeveria) pumila" - at that time the name for Dudleya cymosa var. pumila - but that it is larger and has a spicate instead of a racemose inflorescence.
--第一个关于皮氏石莲花(E. peacockii)的描述(很短)是由Croucher于1874年5月23日在杂志The Gardeners' Chronicle中发表的,他指出这是一种叶片多霜粉、从美国加利福尼亚州引进的植物。后来,在同年的八月,Baker发表了一篇关于这种植物更加详细的描述,但拉丁名误写成了Cotyledon peacockii(正确的应为E属,不是银波锦属)。Baker解释说“与它(皮氏)最相近的是著名且常见的Cotyledon pumila*,”(*然而又错了个拉丁名,文中的C. pumila那时候普遍指聚花仙女杯…但是Baker文中所指的植物比聚花仙女杯株型更大,且花序为穗状而非总状)
In view of the origin of this plant - according to Croucher California, according to Baker New Mexico -, in view of its "intensely glaucous colour and persistence of the waxy coating" and its spicate inflorescence there is no doubt that the plant in question was a Dudleya (D. pulverulenta) and not an Echeveria. That means the name peacockii belongs to the synonymy of D. pulverulenta and cannot be used for a central Mexican Echeveria species. The earliest legitimate name for the latter is E. desmetiana.
--根据Croucher(加州)和Baker(新墨西哥州)的描述,“叶片呈现深灰绿色且叶片带有不易掉落的厚蜡质白霜”和其穗状花序证明他们所写的是雪山仙女杯(D. pulverulenta)而不是一个拟石莲花属物种。这意味着“peacockii”这个名字应属于雪山仙女杯的一个异名,不能再被用于指原产于墨西哥中部的拟石莲花属物种。而最早用于形容皮氏石莲花的合法名称是E. desmetiana。

