现在关于片子的消息不t太多,The Childhood of a Leader在俄罗斯的上映时间为2016年9月22日;Lost City of 'Z'还在后期制作中,在巴西上映时间为2016年12月27号。 现在老罗刚拍完Good Time,回伦敦修整一段时间,5月份就要开拍科幻新片High Life,还是挺忙的,好好休息下~
有一段访谈蛮有意思,贴上来,大体说一下 —————————————— MOVIE NEWS GUIDE: Twilight star Robert Pattinson’s feelings about Social Media He has always avoided signing up for any kind of social media but has admitted that he has searched himself on the internet. Pattinson revealed in an interview with Inside Toronto that he thinks of joining Twitter but would end up spending more than required time. Pattinson further added that he does not want to indulge in that kind of life where he spends most of his time on social media platforms. He also expressed that he regrets reading up about himself on the internet but constantly still keeps searching about himself. —————————————— 大体是老罗对于社交媒体的看法,他说他是考虑过开推特账号来着,但觉得自己肯定会在网上花很多很多时间,会很耽误事儿,因为他挺喜欢在网上搜关于自己的内容看,看了不好的内容还会觉得难过,不过还是忍不住继续搜。 #一个大写的抖M的自白