刚刚的竟然因为地址删了,防删重新贴 最爱的rumbelle小剧场,这简直就是篇同人文,还连载,膜拜作者 转自汤imagination-is-but-an-illusion Belle has the most amazing life. She is married to the most powerful man in town and they’re expecting their first child. They are happy with the life they’ve created, but one day, Belle awakes in a hospital bed, realizing their happiness was only a dream. The question is, does Mr. Gold remember the mysterious girl and is someone to blame? 背景介绍: 贝儿本来有着最美满的生活。她嫁给了镇上最有权势的人,并且正迎来他们的第一个孩子。他们本来很幸福。但有一天,贝儿在医院的床上醒来,发现那只是一场梦。Mr. Gold是否还记得这个神秘女孩,还是谁在作梗?