接 ================================================ “那他肯定还会给你钱再买过新的。这不是更好。” “你怎么什么都知道,你是不是在我家装摄像头了!?”小七抱住被子蹭蹭。 “我是先知潇洒哥啊~你可以迷恋我,但是不要爱上我哦~”惊羽调侃。 “谁会爱上你。”小七不甘心。 “哈哈。”小七听不出来惊羽是不是在干笑。 “惊羽,没有CD机睡不着诶……”小七撒娇。 “那我给你唱歌吧。” “好啊。”不用想,惊羽哑哑的声音一定特别适合唱歌。 【 As long as I'm with you I can't go wrong Oh baby what you do to me You're the one I've been tryin' to see you For such a long,long time Maybe I just have to face that I was out of line When it comes to lovin' you All the things that I would do I've been waiting for this day for far too long I never could imagine it so strong As long as I'm with you I can't go wrong Oh baby what you do to me You're the one 】 “小七?”一曲终了,惊羽轻唤,没有弱弱的声音,只有淡淡的均匀的呼吸声。 “小七,我能不能代替那个CD机,成为你生命中的一部分……” “小七,晚安。” 月光如水,躺在床上的少年睁开眼,把手机重新塞回枕头下,翻个身,抱着被子,安心的沉沉睡去。