chinese_colony_luzon_island = {
type = country
ai_mission = yes
category = MIL
allow = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
tag = CHN
is_year = 1480
owns = 738
luzon_area = {
is_empty = yes
has_discovered = ROOT
great_moluccas_area = {
is_empty = yes
has_discovered = ROOT
num_of_colonists = 1
NOT = { luzon_area = { owned_by = ROOT } }
NOT = { great_moluccas_area = { owned_by = ROOT } }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = indonesian_trade }
NOT = { last_mission = chinese_colony_luzon_island }
abort = {
OR = {
NOT = { num_of_colonists = 1 }
AND = {
NOT = { luzon_area = { is_empty = yes } }
NOT = { great_moluccas_area = { is_empty = yes } }
NOT = { luzon_area = { owned_by = ROOT } }
NOT = { great_moluccas_area = { owned_by = ROOT } }
success = {
OR = {
luzon_area = {
owned_by = ROOT
colonysize = 400
great_moluccas_area = {
owned_by = ROOT
colonysize = 400
chance = {
factor = 2000
modifier = {
factor = 2
adm = 4
modifier = {
factor = 2
taiwan_area = {
owned_by = ROOT
effect = {
set_country_flag = colonized_manila_CHI
656 = {
add_base_tax = 1
add_base_production = 1
add_base_manpower = 1
add_building = fort_15th
652 = {
add_base_tax = 1
add_base_production = 1
add_base_manpower = 1
add_building = fort_15th
luzon_area = {
change_culture = filipino
great_moluccas_area = {
change_culture = filipino
add_country_modifier = {
name = "indonesian_trade"
duration = -1
type = country
ai_mission = yes
category = MIL
allow = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
tag = CHN
is_year = 1480
owns = 738
luzon_area = {
is_empty = yes
has_discovered = ROOT
great_moluccas_area = {
is_empty = yes
has_discovered = ROOT
num_of_colonists = 1
NOT = { luzon_area = { owned_by = ROOT } }
NOT = { great_moluccas_area = { owned_by = ROOT } }
NOT = { has_country_modifier = indonesian_trade }
NOT = { last_mission = chinese_colony_luzon_island }
abort = {
OR = {
NOT = { num_of_colonists = 1 }
AND = {
NOT = { luzon_area = { is_empty = yes } }
NOT = { great_moluccas_area = { is_empty = yes } }
NOT = { luzon_area = { owned_by = ROOT } }
NOT = { great_moluccas_area = { owned_by = ROOT } }
success = {
OR = {
luzon_area = {
owned_by = ROOT
colonysize = 400
great_moluccas_area = {
owned_by = ROOT
colonysize = 400
chance = {
factor = 2000
modifier = {
factor = 2
adm = 4
modifier = {
factor = 2
taiwan_area = {
owned_by = ROOT
effect = {
set_country_flag = colonized_manila_CHI
656 = {
add_base_tax = 1
add_base_production = 1
add_base_manpower = 1
add_building = fort_15th
652 = {
add_base_tax = 1
add_base_production = 1
add_base_manpower = 1
add_building = fort_15th
luzon_area = {
change_culture = filipino
great_moluccas_area = {
change_culture = filipino
add_country_modifier = {
name = "indonesian_trade"
duration = -1