状元:@郑昊180 ——2733
榜眼:@东京丨白虎 ——1856
探花:逍遥子wnm ——1798
状元:逍遥子wnm ——407
榜眼:@东京丨白虎 ——323
探花:@我去收菊花 ——115
望各位任本吧建设之重,道本吧建设之远【突然想说走社会主义道路。。。暴露初三狗的本性了= =】
At the end of my junior 3,I must work harder in order to get an excenllent senior high school.So I hope everybody that can make an effort to build our tieba when I try my best to study.It is universally acknowledged that you are the best.
状元:@郑昊180 ——2733
榜眼:@东京丨白虎 ——1856
探花:逍遥子wnm ——1798
状元:逍遥子wnm ——407
榜眼:@东京丨白虎 ——323
探花:@我去收菊花 ——115
望各位任本吧建设之重,道本吧建设之远【突然想说走社会主义道路。。。暴露初三狗的本性了= =】
At the end of my junior 3,I must work harder in order to get an excenllent senior high school.So I hope everybody that can make an effort to build our tieba when I try my best to study.It is universally acknowledged that you are the best.