家里这只八个月的小公主,身高一米五,体重八十斤——好了,其实我俩自己养了八只狗(一大白熊,一金毛,六贵宾),和两只寄养的萨摩,四只侏儒仓鼠+两只寄养仓鼠,最后一大一小两缸热带鱼。 咩系Rock & Roll 精神?就系独立嘅精神,抗拒建制,自由,爱,勇往直前。其实又何止系 Rock & Roll ,我地做人唔系本嚟就应该咁样咩?
I quit trying to fit in ,trying to be one of them .I knew I never would be .But more importantly ,I didn't want to be .Their violence ...was petty and ignorant ,but ultimately ,it was true to who they were .
I quit trying to fit in ,trying to be one of them .I knew I never would be .But more importantly ,I didn't want to be .Their violence ...was petty and ignorant ,but ultimately ,it was true to who they were .
I quit trying to fit in ,trying to be one of them .I knew I never would be .But more importantly ,I didn't want to be .Their violence ...was petty and ignorant ,but ultimately ,it was true to who they were .