AOTU Genesis
In the beginning,the world was without form but void and darkness was upon the face of the Earth.
Suddenly a voice said:Wake up,let there be what you want,and finish it!
In the sound echoed in the world,a light appeared.The light became stronger and powerful gradually.
At last it got its own body and soul.He wants to feel the world,but when he first open his eyes,what he only can see is perpetual darkness.How disappointed he is!

AOTU Genesis
In the beginning,the world was without form but void and darkness was upon the face of the Earth.
Suddenly a voice said:Wake up,let there be what you want,and finish it!
In the sound echoed in the world,a light appeared.The light became stronger and powerful gradually.
At last it got its own body and soul.He wants to feel the world,but when he first open his eyes,what he only can see is perpetual darkness.How disappointed he is!