原曲:Globus - Europa
From Fubuki to Kagero (从吹雪到阳炎)
Acasta and then Glowworm (阿卡斯塔到萤火虫)
The sortie zones, the event maps (普通图,活动图)
Expeditions of steel and fuel (从远征拿到钢和油)
From Lexington to Enterprise (从列克星敦到企业号)
Royal Oak and the birth of Hood (皇家橡树到胡德出生)
The bathing times of Le Fantasque (空想洗澡的次数)
Had no effect on the pushing spree (并不能阻止推图强度)
Northampton to New Orleans (北安普顿到新奥尔良)
The might of Bismarck that German built (俾斯麦的强大源于德国建造)
The poorest of ammiragli (最惨的意大利提督)
Veneto is only a dream (维内托只存在于梦中)
Huanmeng help in all our battles (幻萌助我一臂之力)
Huanmeng see love, Huanmeng help us (幻萌是爱,幻萌是力)
【宣传:港区电视台 Naval District Television:interesting and exciting!】