I am the bone of my sword. ----------吾身为剑所成。 -------Steel is my body,and fire is my blood. ----------血潮为铁,心为琉璃。 ----------I have created over a thoustand blades. ----------跨越无数战场,立于不败之地。 ----------Unknown to Death. ----------未曾败退。 ----------Nor known to Life. ----------无一知己。 ----------Have withstood pain to create many weapon. ----------他,常独自一人立于剑丘之上,陶醉于胜利之中。 ----------Yet,those hands will never hold anything. ----------因此,他的生涯已经失去了意义。 ----------So as I pray,unlimited blade works! ----------此身,已成无限之剑!
I am the bone of my sword. ----------吾身为剑所成。 -------Steel is my body,and fire is my blood. ----------血潮为铁,心为琉璃。 ----------I have created over a thoustand blades. ----------跨越无数战场,立于不败之地。 ----------Unknown to Death. ----------未曾败退。 ----------Nor known to Life. ----------无一知己。 ----------Have withstood pain to create many weapon. ----------他,常独自一人立于剑丘之上,陶醉于胜利之中。 ----------Yet,those hands will never hold anything. ----------因此,他的生涯已经失去了意义。 ----------So as I pray,unlimited blade works! ----------此身,已成无限之剑!
I am the bone of my sword. ----------吾身为剑所成。 -------Steel is my body,and fire is my blood. ----------血潮为铁,心为琉璃。 ----------I have created over a thoustand blades. ----------跨越无数战场,立于不败之地。 ----------Unknown to Death. ----------未曾败退。 ----------Nor known to Life. ----------无一知己。 ----------Have withstood pain to create many weapon. ----------他,常独自一人立于剑丘之上,陶醉于胜利之中。 ----------Yet,those hands will never hold anything. ----------因此,他的生涯已经失去了意义。 ----------So as I pray,unlimited blade works! ----------此身,已成无限之剑!