理智篮球迷吧 关注:2贴子:172
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This was a really shit situation. Everyone says he didn't demand respect. It sounds like everyone on this team was being totally unprofessional top to bottom. Like grow the fuck up and listen to your coach. How do you demand respect as a coach? If he just started benching guys, the media shitstorm would have gotten him fired even quicker. Even the Lakers listen to Byron Scott, who has clearly shown he isn't a good coach. But they listen because that's what a professional player should do. If the coach is terrible, you'll lose games that you SHOULD be winning. That's what should get a coach fired.
吐槽骑士球员不尊重布拉特到令人发指。顺带黑byron scott谁都知道他是执教很烂但湖人球员至少还挺他的因为那是职业球员应该做的,最起码的尊重。

来自Android客户端1楼2016-01-25 18:19回复