Exposed Movie近期发布消息,公布了该片最新宣传画、简单的内容提要,以及放映时间、放映方式。 His partner murdered. The truth buried. Keanu Reeves stars in #ExposedMovie in theaters and on demand January 22.(搭档被杀,真相不明。基努里维斯主演,1月22日影院公映和点映。)
亲,imdb上面写exposed(2016/III)'后面这个III啥意思啊。 imdb上看到一句话“The role Keanu plays was originally intended to be a supporting role, however during editing, Lionsgate decided to make the story focus on him rather than the Latina lead.”果然是狮门强势介入的结果,那导演真怂啊,怎么不去喷狮门呢。 我对这部电影又有信心了!!!既然已经卖到狮门等好几个发行方,那keanu的company film应该就不会亏钱了吧 希望这个片子能剪辑出来一个好结果,希望keanu能被更多大导注意到。大卫芬奇考虑一下我家大keanu吧。。。