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智能化立体仓库 江苏新美星


智能化立体仓库 江苏新美星】通过项目运作,将大幅提高国产关键智能部件、装备和系统自主化能力,初步建立智能制造标准化体系,利用工业互联网服务平台,为饮料工厂提供总集成总承包的一体化服务,有效地帮助客户提高生产效率和资源利用率,减少劳动力和管理成本,缩短投资回报周期,完美达成新美星“帮客户建设理想工厂”的使命。同时,改变行业格局,引领市场走向,为民族企业参与国际竞争提供了有力支持。
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By the operation of the project, the ability of creating local-made keyintelligent components, devices and systematic independence, will bedramatically boosted, same with the ability of forming the intelligent manufacturingstandards, utilizing industrial Internet service platform, full integrativecontracted services, bettering production efficiency and usage of resources, reductionof labor and management costs, and shortening the period of return on investment.It’s all aiming to perfectly carry out Newamstar’s philosophy, which is tobuild customers’ ideal factories, and also at the same time, to support thechanges of the structure of this industry, lead fashion of the market and makean essential force to participate the international competition.

IP属地:江苏本楼含有高级字体1楼2015-12-22 17:16回复