An American in Prague
导演:George Duroy
制作:George Duroy
摄影:George Duroy, Marty Stevens, Mel Roberts
旁白:Johan Paulik
Produced and Directed by George Duroy
Second Camera : Marty Stevens, Mel Roberts
Sound : Mel Roberts
Music : BK Sound, Archives
Voice Over text written by Ben Dotado
Spoken by Johan Paulik
Production Stills : Victor Dunai
Production Assistants : Kristian Jensen, Erik Kovac
off-line Editing : George Duroy
on-line Editing : Delta Productions
Production Manager in Prague : Jansi
Production Manager in Budapest : Steve Cadro
Shot on location in Prague and Budapest in June and July, 1997
Johan Paulik
Dominik Filla
Sergei Grigoriev
Karl Tenner
Gerard Kilian
Janos Fekete
Adam Jannin
Sascha Fetisov
Nikolas Vernant
Scene 1: Johan Paulik tops Dominik Filla
Scene 2(1): Johan Paulik & Chance striptease
Scene 2(2): Johan Paulik blows Chance / Teddy Bear scene
Scene 3: Karl Tenner tops Sergei Grigoriev
Scene 4: Gerard Kilian tops Janos Fekete
Scene 5: Johan Paulik & Chance top Adam Jannin
Scene 6: Nikolas Vernant tops Sascha Fetisov
Scene 7: Chance tops Johan Paulik
拜托,大家不要再念Johan现在的身材如何如何了,人家已经退休7,8年了,好不好?如果Johan还在幕前表演,你可以苛求,现在退居幕后,虽然偶尔会出现在摄像机前,能否保持身材是个人私事了。打个比方吧,如果刘翔都退役7,8年了,虽然时不时还在什么体育节目露露脸,你还来念他跑不进13 秒,有意义吗?!
Scene 2,除去两人脱衣舞那段,当然还有很有名的泰迪熊创意。
Scene 7,当然是打闹挑逗的前戏啦,Johan说,对话都是他们即兴的,并非事先安排。
Johan: I would like to be fucked.... by you.
Chance: You would like to be fucked by me ?
Johan: Yes
Chance: So why should I do it ?
Johan: Yes, please do it, I can't wait.
Chance: Why should I do it ? If you want that so bad, I don't want to give it to you.
Johan: Ah..... So, I don't want it, I don't want it, please let me free [?] No....
Chance: That's it......
Johan: No,I don't want it, No, It will kill, It will kill me. No, please....
Chance: It will hurt so good, trust me, it will hurt so good....
Chance: Do you want it ?
Johan: No, I don't want it.
Chance: Good, then you're gonna get it.
Johan: No, No, No,No,No,No,No............
Chance: Yeah, I wanna kiss that.... like my asshole. Again ?
Chance: Wait a minute, I thought you ......
Johan: Ah.........
Johan: Can you fuck yourself ?Can you make love with yourself ?
Chance: I can't say, I never tried.
Johan: You know, this way, move to the hole [?] Can you do it ?
Chance: No. Can you do it?
Johan: I know. But I can.
Chance: Let me see.
Johan: Oh,
Chance: Let me see.
Johan: Where did you buy your dick ?
Chance: It's a part German, a apart Italy.Where did you buy your dick ?〔德意混血〕
Johan: One little store.〔Johan搞笑哦!〕
Chance: One little store ?........[?] a dick store ? I'm the first owner of this one. It's detachable. You've heard that song, right ?
Johan: Eh
Chance: "detachable penis......."
Johan: ????
Chance: ??? Put me in where, in your ass ?
Johan: ???
Chance: ??? say again
Johan: ???
Chance: ??? What does that mean ? 〔???Johan在教Chance说斯洛伐克语〕
Johan: Let's make love. Would you like ?
Chance: No
Johan: No ?
Chance: Whatever .....
Johan: Would you ?
Chance: OK. I've been with not so many girls, only a few guys also.
Johan: Oh ......
Chance: We're all the same [?]
Johan: I like it, be nice. I'm very sensitive.
Chance: That's it ? [?]
Johan: It's ok.
Chance: ... woman breasts.....
Johan: I want you. I need you. 〔晕,把美国大片的台词都用上去了。〕
Chance: I can't have ........... do you know ?
Chance, Muffin's Place, Feb, 1998
Johan Paulik, Manshots, June, 1999
Johan Paulik, Special Interview With Johan's Private Pictures, 2001
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