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来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-12-01 14:54回复
    2 A special letter
    2 一封特殊的信
    Dear World:
    My son starts school today.
    It's going to be strange and new to him for a while, and I wish you would sort of treat him gently.
    You see, up to now, he's been king of the roost.
    He's been boss of the backyard.
    I have always been around to repair his wounds, and to soothe his feelings.
    But now--things are going to be different.
    This morning, he's going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand and start on his great adventure that will probably include wars and tragedy and sorrow.
    To live his life in the world he has to live in will require faith and love and courage.
    So, World, I wish you would sort of take him by his young hand and teach him the things he will have to know.
    Teach him - but gently, if you can.
    Teach him that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every crooked politician there is a dedicated leader; that for every enemy there is a friend.
    Teach him the wonders of books.
    Give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill.
    Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.
    Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong.
    Teach him to sell his brawn and brains to the highest bidder, but never to put a price on his heart and soul.
    Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob...and to stand and fight if he thinks he's right.
    Teach him gently, World, but don't coddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.
    This is a big order, World, but see what you can do.
    He's such a nice little fellow.

    来自iPhone客户端4楼2015-12-01 14:57
      Some people,
      who deem university ranking helpful,
      may provide the following reasons.
      To begin with…; what is more,….
      我们第二段的开头应该写“有些人可能会提出如下的原因”,因为你是要分析原因的。但是中间我带了一个定语从句“who deem university ranking helpful(有些认为大学排名有用的人)”,“deem”后面加上了宾语和宾补“helpful”。其实你只要把中间的“university ranking”和“helpful”换掉,就可以把这个句子变成一个万能的句型,即“Some people, who deem ..., may provide the following reasons. To begin with…; what is more,…. ”比如说你就可以写“有些人,认为钱是万能的,可能会提供如下的原因”,然后给两个原因,这样句子就出来了。而且这个句型里会有一些跟你看到的模板完全不一样的层次在里面。
      However, those who are not
      in favor of university ranking believe that
      it may involve several subjective factors
      and influence the judgments of people.
      For instance, ...
      记住,这一段开头一定要有“however”,因为这是一个对比,是不同人有不同看法的对比。“those who...”是一个定语从句,因为一般我们会在前面说赞成的原因,那么这一段就要写不支持的原因,于是就要写成“those who are not in favor of university ranking”,后面再加上一个宾语从句,然后给一个原因,再接一个例子。大王写的原因是“可能包括太多主观的因素并且可能影响人们的判断。”
      “The reasons why...are as follows.”
      “There are several reasons which account for this phenomenon.”

      来自iPhone客户端9楼2016-08-24 23:50
        Recently, the issue that the study of Chinese
        has been neglected by numerous Chinese students
        has aroused serious concern from the public.
        For instance, my younger brother told me that
        one third of the students in his class
        failed their finals of Chinese.
        “the issue that...has aroused serious concern from the public.” 同位语从句
        那么这个同位语从句中的一些特点就是:第一,“被忽视”,用的被动语态;第二,“the study of Chinese”,意思是“中文的学习”;第三,近些年来中文的学习已经被忽视,所以要用到完成时;第四,中文的学习被很多中国学生所忽视,说到“很多的”于是可以用“numerous”这个词,意思是“大量的”。这些小细节请大家一定要注意。
        我们回到主句,“has aroused”对应的是前面的“recently”,因为是近些年这个问题已经引起了大众的关心。然后“concern”在这里很重要,很多人只知道它是动词,但其实它也可以做名词,意思是“关心”。而“大众的关心”不用“of”而是“from”,因为这个关心不是属于大众,而是从大众传过来的对这个问题的关心。

        来自iPhone客户端10楼2016-08-24 23:51
          Version 1. The importance of preparation has been
          neglected by numerous modern people
          who are mostly driven by short-term interests.
          Version 2. It is a truth universally acknowledged that if you intend to achieve great success,
          you have to make substantial preparations for
          your dreams and goals.
          那么第一个版本(反)说的是准备的重要性被大家忽略了,第二个版本(正)说的就是大家都很认可什么东西很重要。所以思路就是要学会从正反面阐述一个东西,如果你一定要把这个句子变成一个模板的话,你只要把“preparation”去掉就可以了,于是反面的模板就是“The importance of ... has been neglected by numerous modern people who...”“who...”的定语从句大家要学会自己写出来。因为这个题目讲的是准备,那么是哪些人忽略了准备呢?是那些总是想着短期的利益,而不是修炼深厚的内功的人忽略了准备。所以你在写的时候要把重点扣到题目上去,这些人怎么回事儿,那你就要把“who...”后面的东西表达清楚。于是你的第一句话也就会有一些亮点了,比如主谓一致,被动语态及定语从句。所以这个句型最重要的是要理解思路。

          来自iPhone客户端12楼2016-08-24 23:51
            intend to experience different cultures,enhance their knowledge and broaden their horizon though traveling around.
            There is a simple but thought-provoking/enlightening carton/chart:描述图画内容

            来自iPhone客户端13楼2016-08-24 23:52
              •Here are 9 sentences that you could use when you are asked to describe yourself. Choose the ones that describe you the best.
              •“I am someone who…”:
              •1. “can adapt to any situation. I thrive[θraɪv] in a fluctuating environment and I transform unexpected obstacles ['ɑbstəkl] into stepping stones for achievements.”
              •1. “可以适应任何环境的人。我可以在变化不定的环境中茁壮成长,并且把那些意外的障碍变为成功的基石。”
              2. “consistently innovates to create value. I find opportunities where other people see none.I turn ideas into projects, and projects into serial success.”
              •2. “有创新能力的人。我可以在别人不在意的地方发现价值:我可以把想法转化成项目,把项目转化成一连串的成功。”
              •3. “leads people. I can unite people around a vision and motivate a team to excellence. I expect no more from the others than what I expect from myself.”
              •3. “有领导能力的人。我可以让人们为了一个共同的目标而奋斗,并且激励一个团队取得成功。我对自己的要求比对别人更严格。”
              4. “always has an eye on my target. I endeavour [ɪn'devə] to deliver high-quality work on time, every time. Hiring me is the only real guarantee for results.”
              •4. “专注于目标的人。每一次我都会及时地提供高质量的服务。雇佣我,你绝对不会后悔的。”
              •5. “knows this job inside and out. With many years of relevant experience, there is no question whether I will be efficient on the job. I can bring the best practices to the company.”
              •5. “充分了解这份工作的人。拥有多年相关工作经验的我,毫无疑问将能胜任这份工作。我能为公司带来最好的效益。”
              6. “has a high level of motivation to work here. I have studied the entire company history and observed its business strategies. Since I am also a long-time customer, I took the opportunity to write this report with some suggestions for how to improve your services.”
              •6. “有很强动机在这儿工作的人。我认真研究过公司整个的发展历程,以及商业策略。由于我也是贵公司的忠实顾客,所以我做了这份报告,为提高公司的服务做出一份贡献。”
              •7. “has a pragmatic approach to things. I don’t waste time talking about theory or the latest buzz words. Only one question matters to me: ‘Does it work or not?’”
              •7. “能实际解决问题的人。我不会花时间空谈理论或者讲些时髦的话。只有一件事情让我关心:‘这可行吗?’”
              •8. “takes work ethics very seriously. I do what I am paid for, and I do it well.”
              •8. “非常注重职业操守的人。我做雇主付钱让我做的事,并且做到最好。”
              •9. “is considered to be ‘fun.’ I believe that we are way more productive when we are working with people with which we enjoy spending time. When the situation gets tough with a customer, a touch of humour can save the day.”
              •9. “一个有趣的人。我相信和喜欢的人一起工作,我们会更有效率。当我们跟顾客有摩擦的时候,幽默感或许能够起到作用,挽救可能会变糟糕的一天。”

              来自iPhone客户端14楼2016-12-13 19:05