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简单公寓 / Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop


  来自事务所的描述。项目是位于Colonia Condesa的移动公寓建筑,该地区以其社会、商业、文化和夜生活著称。该建筑坐落在上世纪四十年代兴建的曾有20米高的贝拉•伊珀卡剧院前址之上,这里一度是文化圈的颔下之珠。
  From the architect. It is an apartment building located in Colonia Condesa, an area known for its social, commercial, cultural and nightlife. The building is located on the same side now occupied by the Fondo de Cultura, former Bella época theater, a landmark in the area and a building from the 1940′s where a 20 meter high tower stands.

  We began the analysis of this building taking into account some peculiarities of the site that is located at the corner of two streets with different synergies and readings for both the passer and the inhabitants. Benjamin Hill, an important motor traffic, pedestrian and bicycle avenue, which is in turn access and / or exit of the neighborhood; additionally, a market on wheels appears. In contrast, Reynosa street is only used by people who live in it, it is in fact a very small street.

1楼2015-11-24 15:47回复