《一代骄马》---像马一样奔跑 上个世纪的美利坚,是一个造梦的国度。而“美国梦”,似乎也就成了那种精神的代名词。梦想,不仅仅是对梦的幻想,而且更是使自己排除万难的动力。 有些时候,遇到所谓的困难,我们会气馁,会沮丧,会怀疑。但是,请相信自己,请相信自己每一天的付出。 “It’s not whether they thought I won .It’s whether I thought I won .”那一场接着一场的赛马,即是一次又一次的重生。仿佛正如最困难的决战时刻,Penny Chenery于夕阳的映衬下,以坚定不移的眼神望着Secretariat,这般信念与力量的感应,是他们最终胜利的曙光。
“马的大力是你所赐的吗?它颈项上挓挲的鬃是你给它披上的吗?(约伯记 39:19 和合本) “Do you give the horse its strength? Do you clothe its neck with a mane?(Job 39:19 NET) 是你叫它跳跃像蝗虫吗?它喷气之威使人惊惶。(约伯记 39:20 和合本) Do you make it leap like a locust? Its proud neighing is terrifying!(Job 39:20 NET) 它在谷中刨地,自喜其力;它出去迎接佩带兵器的人。(约伯记 39:21 和合本) It paws the ground in the valley, exulting mightily, it goes out to meet the weapons.(Job 39:21 NET) 它嗤笑可怕的事并不惊惶,也不因刀剑退回。(约伯记 39:22 和合本) It laughs at fear and is not dismayed; it does not shy away from the sword.(Job 39:22 NET) 箭袋和发亮的枪,并短枪在它身上铮铮有声。(约伯记 39:23 和合本) On it the quiver rattles; the lance and javelin flash.(Job 39:23 NET) 它发猛烈的怒气将地吞下;一听角声就不耐站立。(约伯记 39:24 和合本) In excitement and impatience it consumes the ground; it cannot stand still when the trumpet is blown.(Job 39:24 NET)