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Neprinol Helps Support Cardiovascular Health


The heart is the center of thecardiovascular system and helps sustain just about every vital process in thebody – from the transportation of oxygen to the effectiveness of an immuneresponse, which is why it is so important to keep it working at optimum levels.However, the heart is a complex machine so its health is tied to a myriad offull-body factors, including the effective functioning of nerves, muscles,valves, arteries, capillaries, neurotransmitters, hormones and enzymes. As aresult, factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels and inflammation canaffect the body's ability to transport blood efficiently and can havepotentially disastrous effects on overall health

Neprinol, by Arthur Andrew Medical, is a revolutionary blend ofsystemic enzymes and antioxidants specially formulated to support healthycardiovascular function.* Systemic enzymes are similar to digestive enzymes butprimarily target the bloodstream rather than the gastrointestinal tract. Theseenzymes support healthy levels of Endogenous Blood Particles or EBPs.* EBPs canbe decayed or oxidized cells, fibrin, fatty proteins or other unwantedmaterials that normally accumulate in the blood. Systemic enzymes essentiallypurify the blood of these EBPs, supporting healthy circulation and a healthyinflammatory respons
Recent medical breakthroughs have ledresearchers to use systemic enzymes to aid in digesting debris from thecardiovascular system, softening blood plasma and reducing stress on thearterial walls. By digesting cellulardebris, such as fibrin and proteins, systemic enzymes assist in supportingnormal healthy blood flow and normal viscosity.
Besidesaiding in the support of healthy blood values, systemic enzyme supplementationmay also help support cardiovascular health in other ways.* Clinical studieshave shown that nattokinase, bromelain and amla aid in promoting healthy bloodsugar levels, healthy lipid profiles and healthy blood pressure measurements .

IP属地:山东1楼2015-10-17 15:15回复