Cross the endless sea of sorrow, 横跨无边悲伤海 Pass through the immortal time; 纵越不朽时光殇 Ascend the elevated mountains, 傲睨风云立高山 (睨,睥睨) Float like a cold bat on the walls. 掠影如蝠穿冷墙 (蝠,蝙蝠)
I was drunk in the dangerous power, 溺于权杖野心醉 Desperated for the sweetest rhyme; 绝望刀割甜蜜跋 (跋,文体的一种) I soared beyond the darkness with mere hope. 枯望息存掌黑暗 (掌,掌控)
The son of Satan have already fallen down the criminalspell, 子于撒旦,罪罚深堕不复返 Suffered from the longing for blood. 苦痛交织,血族饥渴自滋长 Endure the unimaginable emptiness burning so painful beneath the shadow, 难忍孤孑欲火燎 暗影之下独身熬
I waited and kept on my wait, 我苦苦地等待,支撑,坚持; I sought and waited for searches; 我苦苦地搜寻,盼轮回翻找; I counted every little minute with my skinny witheredfingers, 我用干枯憔悴的手指计算着每一分钟的流逝 I spent every single hour just whispering your name; 我呢喃你的名字,只为驱走虚无的辰时 I got used of changeovers while missing you every day withbitter lonely dreams. 沧海桑田,我早已麻木; 千变万化,弹指间习惯; 思念依旧在日夜寥落苦涩的梦里回荡
For 400 years, 4 long centuries seemed grey and faded tome, 整整四百年;我等了整整四个漫长灰暗的世纪, I did found my dearest princess at the ridiculous Londonstreets; 苍茫陌生伦敦街 亲爱公主终相见 I held her tender body in my anergic arms, 冰冷无力的臂膀紧紧搂住如花柔弱的身躯, I kissed her rosy cheek with my cruel, unforgiveable lips; 她玫瑰般的脸颊留下了我残忍血腥的唇印 I told her our memory which filled with sympathetic tears. 我把悲伤哀婉的记忆与曾经向她倾诉殆尽. I vowed to give her all protection, as long as she joins me in eternality. 我发誓将她庇护巩守 若她如我般脱离消亡 (即成为不死之身)
But in front of the tempting immortality, I was afraid for the first time: 永生诱人,我却第一次感到惧怕: I have been deadly selfish, But how can I dry the spring unriped? 纵然我嗜血残忍自私见惯 却怎忍将清纯的泉水烤干烧燥? I have listened to music not any longer, But how can I kill the lark singing passionatesongs? 纵然许久拒绝妙音乐响 却怎忍将动情歌唱的百灵鸟喉咙扼断? I have been fainted while she has the bravestheart, So how dare I force the sunshine becomingdevil of the dimmest light? 我为恶魔怯懦胆小;她的心却是世上最勇敢 我怎忍逼迫艳阳化作邪灵 不再闪耀光芒?
Then I brought her upon the crosses and asked forthe last reply; 我领她到十字架前 郑重请求一个问答 My only queen in whole life, meet me at the bliss of freedom and promise to make my own wife! 我此生唯一的皇后, 与我相会在自由极乐之巅吧 彼时为妻成眷属。 We dance day and night, We breed our beautiful child; 我们昼夜歌舞,我们子女满堂 We walk side by side, We salute the radiance sunrise. 我们迎接黎明,我们白头到老
I watched her for the last forever, Found this face so clear and perfect in my mind; 我最后一次凝视她的脸庞,那么清晰,那么完美,镌刻确凿于我的印象; 吾爱,已成最美的永恒。 I let the sword cut through my purged body, tillit sent me to the next ride. 我让那银剑刺穿我的身体,释然,仿佛已得恕饶;我将启程,再无罪罚,飞向主的怀抱。