Task 1
What can we do to reduce air pollution? Include reasons and details to support your response. [2014.1.25北美]
Task 2
When they study abroad, some students prefer to live with students who are from their countries. Others prefer to live with students who are not from their countries. Which way do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response. [2015.10.11]
Task 3
【学生倡议】:一个学生写信建议图书馆限制一次性借书数量最多借十本limit the number of books borrowed from library,理由1、大多数学生一次借太多书看不过来。理由2、许多人借的时间太长,不按时还甚至丢书,影响他人借书。这样可以减少图书馆每年丢书的数目。
【学生态度】:女生反对,理由1、不应受限。she has 4、5门课many lessons and have to research,她use lots of books when writing research paper,一次就需要查20本书so she needs many books at a time.。所以还是把书接回家写好。理由2、图书馆这样做明显是不trust学生,她从不会不按时还,不会把书弄丢never lost or misplace any books。she think school must trust its students coz they are adults.they can take good good care of the book they borrowed。 [北美2009.1.23/2011.3.26]
Task 4
【名词解释】:alarm call(动物警报)是一种signal,Animals who live in a group, alarm call有两方面作用:作用1、警告同伴躲避危险敌人warn others when their predator is approaching。作用2、假的警报false alarm call可以欺骗deceptive同伴,减小group里的competition。
【教授举例】:教授以科学家做了vervet monkey实验为例:例子1、一个猴子在周围发现了豹子leopard,发出scratching noise,其它猴子全会逃到树上去run for trees to hide for safety。例子2、但是有一次,scientists observed that一群monkey找到了水果Foods and准备要eat 了,突然一只猴子叫了起来发出警报alarm call,all the other同伴都逃跑躲在树后面。它们过了一会他们出来后,才发现那只叫的猴子Sit alone and eat all the food.其实周围根本没有leopard showed。发现水果的猴子发出的猴子正在独享水果enjoyed all the food by him self.。[2010.3.20北美/2012.1.8]
Task 5
【学生困难】:女生的父母weekend晚上要来学校visit她,她很激动。他们会住在她一起住在她租的校外租公寓apartment里。她的问题是,她的apartment很乱脏,而且在晚上之前还要参加一个chemistry meeting,没时间clean the house。
【解决方案】:女生自己说出两方案:方案1、不去开会meeting用一下午时间打扫公寓。优点是房间会很干净,缺点是那个会对她很重要,她有很多东西不懂需要去会上弄明白,落下的知识很难补回来。方案2、在meeting结束后rush home to clean the house。缺点是这样只会有几分钟的时间所以不会搞干净clean。还提到她的父母不会在意她房间是不是干净,因为他们知道她不爱干净,会理解她。转述女的困难和方案,你的建议及理由。 [2012.5.5北美]
Task 6
【讲课要点】:很多公司换产品的包装packaging,好处有二:好处一、to response to new technology /materials to pack the product。举例:以前,牛奶公司都是用玻璃瓶(glass milk containers)装牛奶,贵且易碎。现在用plastic milk container装牛奶,便宜且结实。好处二、to compete with other companies。make their products more competitive。举例:以前,牛奶公司只生产large瓶装,现在也生产small瓶装了。换成小瓶装,是为了仿效juice公司并与之竞争。小瓶牛奶,便于携带,在路上和开车都可以喝。[2010.9.25北美]