意为玫瑰色皮肤的人。The rose colored skin.
罗齐尔家族的人拥有玫瑰一样的肌肤,面容清俊,森林中溪涧一样的眼睛。The Rosier family have rose like skin, face kiyotoshi, forest streams like eyes.
他们如同玫瑰一样,馥郁而带刺。They like roses, fragrant and prickly.
他们中的大多数喜爱蔷薇科的植物。Most of them love the rose family.
他们有自己的原则,可以说是独善其身,也可以说是静观其变。They have their own principles, can be said to be alone, can also be said to wait.
不损人利己,亦不热情冲动。No not passionate impulse harm others to benefit oneself.
尊重别人,隐忍。Respect others, forbear.以自信,骄傲的姿态示人。With confidence and pride.
大多数人认为自己拥有与众不同的命运。Most people think that they have a different destiny.
玫瑰的心是热烈的,但它释放出的是幽郁的香气。The heart of the rose is warm, but it releases the fragrance of the quiet.
晨曦与露珠属于玫瑰,虽然他们并不拥有艳阳。The morning dew and belongs to rose, although they do not have the sun.
并不多言,却以心相许。Not many words, but in the heart.
如果执着,必然坚系。If you persist, you will be strong.
【献给罗齐尔家族,忠于本心的人。To the people loyal to the heart.】
意为玫瑰色皮肤的人。The rose colored skin.
罗齐尔家族的人拥有玫瑰一样的肌肤,面容清俊,森林中溪涧一样的眼睛。The Rosier family have rose like skin, face kiyotoshi, forest streams like eyes.
他们如同玫瑰一样,馥郁而带刺。They like roses, fragrant and prickly.
他们中的大多数喜爱蔷薇科的植物。Most of them love the rose family.
他们有自己的原则,可以说是独善其身,也可以说是静观其变。They have their own principles, can be said to be alone, can also be said to wait.
不损人利己,亦不热情冲动。No not passionate impulse harm others to benefit oneself.
尊重别人,隐忍。Respect others, forbear.以自信,骄傲的姿态示人。With confidence and pride.
大多数人认为自己拥有与众不同的命运。Most people think that they have a different destiny.
玫瑰的心是热烈的,但它释放出的是幽郁的香气。The heart of the rose is warm, but it releases the fragrance of the quiet.
晨曦与露珠属于玫瑰,虽然他们并不拥有艳阳。The morning dew and belongs to rose, although they do not have the sun.
并不多言,却以心相许。Not many words, but in the heart.
如果执着,必然坚系。If you persist, you will be strong.
【献给罗齐尔家族,忠于本心的人。To the people loyal to the heart.】