1.Death What are you doing? You would say: "I am playing a game." Sometimes you die. And you take it for granted that you revive. Lost lives are just a shadow,a number. In this game,death can be useful. Sometimes you have to die.
2.Game What makes you accept this as a game? The category in the store? That you want to be entertained? How low must the level of fun be not to call it a game? Is it the fact that it follows rules? That you go from left to right? What is it that you call "game"?
3.Illusion It is a lie. From the first move,you pretend to know the rules of a world that does not exist. A cube that you have to guide to the exit. This is your motivation. There is no cube, and no motivation.
4.Reality You are staring at 727,000 points of light that change intensity according to your touch. This game is values that are matched 60 times a second. Everything that beyonds that, atmosphere.Empathy.Courage. Is your pure imagination.
5.Expectation You imply that these geometries depict a world that resembles ours. With gravity,fraction and inertia. You imply that you pursue a goal and will be rewarded when you reach it. You expect this game to follow rules, try to anticipate them, and act accordingly.
6.Trust You rely on a promise. That I do not change the rules. That there is a soluion. That you will find the solution. That I will reward you with numbers you can brag about or images you collect for integrity. You expect obedience.
7.What If I never gave a promise. I could make you pay for every level. I could try your patience. I could make your eyes hurt. I could give wrong advice. I could take challenge out of it. (I could make levels impossible to finish.) I could change the rules.
8.The Trick The circle closes and now,that you are aware of the merit of life, let me reward you with one single number & one single image and I will show you how to overcome.