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Mandy Poremba put it this way: “Employed but underpaid, even after being successful in the position for five-plus years.”
She’s a graphic designer who graduated from university and into a recession in 2009.
A Toronto-based education expert says new Statistics Canada data reporting good news about how young people like Poremba are fairing in the labour market is masking real, lasting employment scars for Ontario’s recent grads.
The study, published Thursday, found Canadians ages 25 to 34 generally didn’t see a drop-off in income or employment during or after the 2008-09 recession.

来自Android客户端1楼2015-09-18 19:17回复
    其实是好多单词不认识 想先听听大概怎么念

    来自Android客户端2楼2015-09-18 21:14
      顶帖 码着

      IP属地:新疆来自Android客户端3楼2015-09-18 23:23

        IP属地:安徽来自iPhone客户端4楼2015-09-19 00:11

          来自Android客户端5楼2015-09-19 02:08

            IP属地:加拿大来自iPhone客户端6楼2015-09-19 02:32

              IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端7楼2015-09-19 02:38

                IP属地:美国8楼2015-09-19 04:06

                  来自Android客户端9楼2015-09-19 08:02

                    来自Android客户端10楼2015-09-19 08:05

                      来自Android客户端12楼2015-09-19 16:03
                        Hungary posts newspaper ads warning refugees against illegal entry
                        The Hungarian government posted ads in Lebanese and Jordanian papers on Monday, warning migrants not to enter Hungary illegally, saying it is a crime punishable by imprisonment.
                        The move comes as Europe is reeling under pressure from tens of thousands of refugees making the perilous trek to the continent to seek sanctuary there.
                        In a terse statement published as a full-page announcement in several newspapers, including Lebanon's leading An-Nahar and Jordan's Al-Rai, the government of Hungary said that "the strongest possible action is taken" against people who attempt to enter Hungary illegally.
                        "Do not listen to the people smugglers. Hungary will not allow illegal immigrants to cross its territory," it said in both English and Arabic.

                        13楼2015-09-22 03:16
                          Lebanon, a country of around 4.5 million people, has over 1.1 million Syrian refugees, while Jordan, with a population of 6.5 million, has about 630,000 — some of whom have already shown readiness to migrate to Europe because of dwindling aid and work opportunities.
                          Hungary, which closed its border with Serbia on Sept. 15, has erected another steel barrier at the Beremend border crossing with Croatia to try to slow the flow but the migrants keep coming.
                          Many, fleeing violence and poverty in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, cross the Mediterranean in rickety smuggler boats and rush from one European border to the next to try to reach welcoming countries such as Germany and Sweden. The majority of those arriving on the shores of Europe are Syrians.

                          14楼2015-09-22 03:17
                            Hungary's ads were not the first. Earlier this month, Denmark's Ministry of Immigration, Integration and Housing posted advertisements in Lebanese newspapers aiming to deter migrants, saying that the Scandinavian nation has reduced social aid to migrants by 50 per cent recently. Denmark also warned that migrants whose applications are rejected will be deported immediately.
                            Syria's civil war, now in its fifth year, has killed more than 250,000 people and generated more than 4 million refugees.
                            Meanwhile in Lebanon, the education minister appealed to donors to remain committed to helping the country deal with the flux of refugees, including providing free schooling to hundreds of thousands of refugee children currently here.

                            15楼2015-09-22 03:17