哦对了还有,这篇访谈是在五月十一日发布的。 以下逐段缓翻渣翻。 Here at Big Fish we are incredibly excited about the reception Lifeline has received, both by the Apple Watch community (We’re number 1!) and the whole iOS community (we were the number 1 paid app for a couple days last week! And we’re still in the top 5!). Folks have stepped in across the globe to help Taylor escape from her (or his) moon-shaped prison. 我们非常高兴的收到这个消息: 无论是在苹果手表社区(第一)还是IOS社区(在几天内付费第一,目前仍然前五),我们都获得了很高的成绩。全世界的人都在帮助Taylor逃离他/她卫星形状的监狱。
Timeline was created by Three Minute Games, a Big Fish games studio based in Oakland. The studio specializes in quick production schedules and brainstorming new, crazy, awesome ideas. I don’t know about you, but I’m super excited to see what’s coming next from Three Minute Games (including – but not limited to – Lifeline 2!). 生命线是由位于奥克兰的隶属于大鱼游戏的三分钟游戏工作室制作的。这个工作室专长于快速的制作产品以及头脑风暴一些新鲜疯狂惊人的游戏。 我不知道你,但是我非常期待三分钟游戏接下来会制作的东西(包括但不限于生命线2)
I was able to sit down (well, via email…) with Mars Jokela, Lead Game Designer with Three Minute Games (with a few interjections from Colin Liotta – General Manager of Three Minute Games) to get the inside scoop on Lifeline and Three Minute games. While you’re at it, check out this great interview we did with Colin when he stopped by Big Fish in Seattle a couple weeks ago: 我非常有幸的可以坐下来通过email跟三分钟游戏的首席游戏设计师Mars Jokela对三分钟游戏和生命线进行一场深度挖掘。 然后下面是一个对Colin的采访视频,这里就不放了。视频转载比较麻烦。
How many game ideas are on your to-do list right now? 问:在你的列表里有多少的游戏灵感? Dozens and dozens! And one of the greatest things about working on this team is that we aren’t limiting ourselves to any particular game genre or style. Our next game could literally be anything – we just have to be able to make it ourselves. 答:上百个! 在这个队伍里工作最好的事情之一就是我们不会把自己限制在某种特定的游戏流派或者风格。 我们的下一个游戏可能是任何游戏——我们只是必须去自己去亲自完成。 Are there any that you are REALLY excited about (Tell us ALL your secrets! Or just some hints)? 问:有什么是你非常激动的呢(告诉我们你所有的秘密!或者一些提示)? Here are a few freebie themes, so you can imagine the gameplay however you like. I’m personally pretty partial to puzzle games, but these could work in a variety of genres: •Space Marine Biologist. •Cathy the Cat Herder. •Zombie Hamster Cage Simulator. Now maybe somebody will run with those and we can work on some of our other ideas! 答:这里有一些免费的主题,所以你可以自己想象你洗碗的游戏。 我个人非常喜欢谜题类游戏,但是这些(主题)在不同的流派都能用: •太空海洋生物学家 •猫牧人Cathy • 僵尸仓鼠笼子模拟器 现在大概有人会飞奔去用这些主意了吧,然后我们就可以去将我们别的灵感做成游戏啦~