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【英文原创】婚礼 By Bifteck (深夜受刺激后吐出的短篇)



1楼2015-09-13 01:39回复
    You stand there, with shadows clinging onto your feet.
    I am here, hiding 'hind the shadows.
    You stand there, wine in your hand, that deep dry red.
    I am here, swallowing enemy's blood.
    You stand there, crisp suit collapsing on your body.
    I am here, fermenting my soles.
    You stand there, wedding dress besides.
    ‘That woman is going to bury you.’
    I said, ring in my left pocket.
    ‘Till death do us apart.’
    I hand you the ring.
    ‘You may kiss the bride.’
    I wish you eternal happiness in that coffin you built yourself.
    You stand there, proud parents.
    I am here, Shiraz, gin, Bloody Marry.
    Bloody wedding.
    I want to choke you, strangle you, and hang you on a tree.
    I want to hug you, caress you, and weld you in my bones.
    I want to kick you, slap you, and tattoo my name on you.
    But you want normality.
    Fuck normality.
    You want to conform.
    Fuck society.
    You want acceptance.
    Fuck friends.
    Tell them what you have done.
    Go on, tell them.
    How you kissed me under the oak.
    How you held my hand through the hills.
    How you spoon fed me the broth and lies.
    How you promised to wake me up at night.
    How you fucked me senseless.
    You stand there.
    I am here.
    Singing your soul.
    You are the heat that I know.
    Listen, you are my sun.
    And without you, my life will turn into rust.
    They will never know.
    This is my last love to you.
    Goodbye my love.
    Goodbye my sun.
    Goodbye you, you piece of shit.

    2楼2015-09-13 01:45

      3楼2015-09-13 01:45

        来自Android客户端4楼2015-09-13 01:46

          IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端5楼2015-09-13 02:30