[root@kylin plugin]# tail -f /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/alert-agent/log/agent.log
07-09-2015 18:12:31,598 CST ERROR [main] [com.upyoo.cep.agent.TrapReceiver@90] Fail to listen trap port 164. Permission denied
07-09-2015 18:13:33,565 CST ERROR [main] [com.upyoo.cep.agent.TrapReceiver@90] Fail to listen trap port 164. Permission denied
09-09-2015 15:43:27,531 CST INFO [main] [com.upyoo.agent.ZabbixClient@68] start to call alert ...
09-09-2015 15:49:57,933 CST INFO [main] [com.upyoo.agent.ZabbixClient@68] start to call alert ...
【系统 CentOS6.5 64bit】
[root@kylin plugin]# tail -f /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/alert-agent/log/agent.log
07-09-2015 18:12:31,598 CST ERROR [main] [com.upyoo.cep.agent.TrapReceiver@90] Fail to listen trap port 164. Permission denied
07-09-2015 18:13:33,565 CST ERROR [main] [com.upyoo.cep.agent.TrapReceiver@90] Fail to listen trap port 164. Permission denied
09-09-2015 15:43:27,531 CST INFO [main] [com.upyoo.agent.ZabbixClient@68] start to call alert ...
09-09-2015 15:49:57,933 CST INFO [main] [com.upyoo.agent.ZabbixClient@68] start to call alert ...
【系统 CentOS6.5 64bit】