【口译培训】正计划去欧洲旅游的童鞋注意啦!申根签证将于10月12日启用签证信息系统(VIS),申请申根签证时将被要求提供生物识别数据(biometric data)。
Biometric data and information provided on the visa application forms will be stored in (the Schengen Area's Visa Information System)VIS' central database for 59 months.
First-timers will have to apply in person at consulates or external service providers to give fingerprints and a digital photo.
在此期间内的后续申请中,多次前往申根地区的旅客将无须重复指纹录入步骤,指纹可直接从签证信息系统中的过往申请文件复制。此外,有限数量的申请人可免于录入指纹,包括12岁以下儿童和people who are physically unable to provide fingerprints。
生物识别技术的使用将保护签证申请人,更好地打击identity theft、防止false identifications。如果身份被盗用与造假,在某些情况下可能会导致有权进入申根区的人士遭到拒签或被拒入境(denials)。
2、people who are physically unable to provide fingerprints
4、aidentity theft
5、false identifications
6、iometric data and information provided on the visa application forms will be stored in (the Schengen Area's Visa Information System)VIS' central database for 59 months.
7、 First-timers will have to apply in person at consulates or external service providers to give fingerprints and a digital photo.
1、12岁以下儿童 children younger than 12
2、people who are physically unable to provide fingerprints 身体条件不允许指纹录入的人
3、申根国 Schengen states
4、aidentity theft 身份盗用
5、false identifications 身份造假
6、iometric data and information provided on the visa application forms will be stored in (the Schengen Area's Visa Information System)VIS' central database for 59 months. 生物识别数据和申根签证申请表格中提交的信息将被记录于申根地区签证信息系统的中央数据库中,并保留59个月。
7、 First-timers will have to apply in person at consulates or external service providers to give fingerprints and a digital photo.首次申请申根签证人须亲自到领事馆或外事服务机构,提供指纹和一张数码照片。
Biometric data and information provided on the visa application forms will be stored in (the Schengen Area's Visa Information System)VIS' central database for 59 months.
First-timers will have to apply in person at consulates or external service providers to give fingerprints and a digital photo.
在此期间内的后续申请中,多次前往申根地区的旅客将无须重复指纹录入步骤,指纹可直接从签证信息系统中的过往申请文件复制。此外,有限数量的申请人可免于录入指纹,包括12岁以下儿童和people who are physically unable to provide fingerprints。
生物识别技术的使用将保护签证申请人,更好地打击identity theft、防止false identifications。如果身份被盗用与造假,在某些情况下可能会导致有权进入申根区的人士遭到拒签或被拒入境(denials)。
2、people who are physically unable to provide fingerprints
4、aidentity theft
5、false identifications
6、iometric data and information provided on the visa application forms will be stored in (the Schengen Area's Visa Information System)VIS' central database for 59 months.
7、 First-timers will have to apply in person at consulates or external service providers to give fingerprints and a digital photo.
1、12岁以下儿童 children younger than 12
2、people who are physically unable to provide fingerprints 身体条件不允许指纹录入的人
3、申根国 Schengen states
4、aidentity theft 身份盗用
5、false identifications 身份造假
6、iometric data and information provided on the visa application forms will be stored in (the Schengen Area's Visa Information System)VIS' central database for 59 months. 生物识别数据和申根签证申请表格中提交的信息将被记录于申根地区签证信息系统的中央数据库中,并保留59个月。
7、 First-timers will have to apply in person at consulates or external service providers to give fingerprints and a digital photo.首次申请申根签证人须亲自到领事馆或外事服务机构,提供指纹和一张数码照片。