诺兰西卡吧 关注:37贴子:245
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为什么遇到如此强大的敌人你也不愿逃跑?—— 那是因为身后,有至爱之人。

来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-08-23 21:48回复
    Why does you unwilling to escape when you met such powerful enemy?
    Because somebody whom I love deatly was behind me.

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-08-23 21:56
      Why does you unwilling to escape when you met such powerful enemy?
      Because somebody who I love dearly was behind me.

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2015-08-23 21:58
        百度翻译 Why do you want to run away? - that is because behind me, there is love.

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2015-08-23 21:59
          Why does you unwilling to escape when you met such powerful enemy?
          That is because somebody who I love dearly was behind me.

          来自iPhone客户端5楼2015-08-23 22:05