[121] Most arrogant of all are those who seek the All in All Who gnaw for sweetness at the roots of the world. When that world-tree burns, whose bites upon it Weaken the trunk, quicken the fall? Crown yourself Monarch of All And rule within an empty pit. [121] 那于万物之中寻求一切的最为傲慢者 将世界的根基当作美味佳肴啃咬着。 当世界之树燃烧时,噬咬于其上 使树干衰弱,加速其枯萎的将会是谁? 以万物之帝皇的称号加冕于己者 所统治的只不过是虚无的深渊。
[122] Not all who fall within the fire Moan with despair or rush in heedless fear. Some instead greet the flames with ire And by their raging, call the Red Star near. For by the crimson glow From heaven's Eye of Blood New sides of old shapes turn Reversed like a muddied garment. First comes the dark of the star Seeping jests and sparks and riddles Ignored, absurd, dismissed as paradoxes By all but those whose voices, overused Are never now heard crying alarm. But the light of the last cannot be caged forever And those with eyes to see shall see lasting the end. Their cry of dim visage is to the dark's cry added Two voices in the wilderness sing out, But as those in the dark see nothing, Those in the light see far too much. As the half-past time approaches, the star, like autumn fire Waxes fuller, the balance tips and blood begins to boil Even in hearts and veins, even in the ground it soaks And the last battlers, the final fighters gird themselves Watching the sky's new ruby whelm and stain old silver. Strive, contend, hold back the new night But know the crimson fire is bright. Its destiny is to light the way for the harbingers and harriers To fall upon you, the only generation. All the past you have held, all the blood songs your ears have drunk Filled up, now tip forth and hold back nothing What morning awaits? None, no sunrise, only bleeding ashes Dripping from the sky like hot wound drops. Now, the star is at its zenith, even by day its red glare beams No hope, no reason, no sound but shouts and screams. A world, aged, dies.
[123] This is the time of heaven's fist This is the close of the eye of the sun. For the first time since the dawn of sin The children of blood's tribe walk by day With no fear of solar ray. Day and night are one alike Twins with signs of bleeding ash. But new fears rise for the wicked brood As they choke on fire that once was food. [123] 这是天罚的时代 这是日之眼闭合的时代。 自原罪之黎明后第一次 鲜血之子民的部族第行走于白日 不再恐惧日光。 白日与黑夜如此相似 宛如以血尘为记的双胞胎。 但当他们在烈焰中为曾经的食物所窒息时 这些邪恶的子孙便产生了新的恐惧。
[124] This is the road of human descent And at its end you find A city-graveyard for mankind Ruined wreckage, walls all rent asunder No music but the echoed thunder. No garb but shrouds. The apex of man's effort only this To choke each humble breath from out the proud And taste the ghastly flavor of flame's kiss. [124] 这是人类沉沦的道路 在它的尽头你将发现 一座人类之城的坟墓 荒废的残骸,破裂的墙垣 除了雷鸣之外再无音乐。 除了尸衣之外再无服饰。 这就是人类的最高成就 因骄傲而窒息所有卑贱的气息 品尝着烈焰亲吻的可怖滋味。