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Brought up in a pure environment surroundedby mountains and woods. I deem myself as a lucky person born with natural giftsSome of them are "ordinary", showed obviously on math, music andmemory at a quite early age and continued to serve as parts of my distinctivenessas I grew up some of them are "extraordinary ", for example, myoriginal interest in philosophy. It is hard to believe to some that what I havespeculated about at the age of five coincided with some of the thoughts inJean-Paul Sartre's "L'Etre at le Neant".
Why electronics?
It still remains a mystery to me how I leftchildhood dream of become an astronomer and chose electronic engineering as mycollege major instead. Not knowing much about circuits as about stars at thattime. I seemed to be simply allured by the idea of designing a guidance systemfor the space shuttle. Five years of inquiry into the electronic world provedthat my choice was right. I was completely infatuated with such a field-soprofound and vigorous that one is only limited by his/her imagination.
What's done?
Anxious to find out what"electronics" really means. I began doing laboratory research asearly as from the third year. First at the Microwave Lab, doing circuitssimulation and user interface design. Generally speaking. Works during thatperiod were fragmentary , but they have given me sufficient experience on C.C++, Windows programming and interface design, which laid a sold foundation formy future study.
Later, to explore something new, I appliedto join the Multimedia Lab, an "interactive "place sponsored by ProfXing Li, I became familiar with UNIX system and did X Windows interface designfor some time Probably because some interesting points in my design, I wasoffered an opportunity by Prof Li to join the "wavelet researchgroup". Intending to develop wavelet applications .
That was a turning point in my work.Wavelet is a brand-new area with modern mathematical background, free space ofimagination and, a little but philosophical color that totally interested me Icarried out a experiment of applying Embedded. Zero tree Wavelet (EZW)algorithm to speech coding EZW algorithm was originally developed in imagecoding, aiming at the multi-resolution transmission of pictures. Its efficiencygreatly depends on the amount of zerotrees the source produced . By properlyquantized, speech samples can be expected to generate a considerable number ofzerotrees due to its spectrum characteristics . In my experiment, differentkinds of speech sources have been tested and an average compression ratio of 8I was achieved, with no perceptible distortions Compared with previous codingmethods, the result is encouraging, for the benefits are gained through arather concise procedure doing encoding and decoding is as schematically asdoing a cross -word puzzle Moreover. What I have done is actually superficial.There still exist at least several means to improve it, for example, theapplication of non-even quantizer, wavelet packet, the definition of a higherdimensional structure like "zeroforest ". the selection of anappropriate wavelet base, etc.. The improvement of the algorithm is included inmy present research.
What's on going
I am now working on my diploma thesis. Thetopic is "A Research of Multi-resolution Coding of information andRelevant Transmission Protocols", including multi-resolution coding ofimages. Wavelet coding of audio signals (improved EZW algorithm), and anintegrated demo system.
Special interest
More than enjoying the coding game, anotherfascinating point I found in speech or image processing is the combination ofsignal theory with neuropsycology and cognitive science. It was discovered as Iwas studying the auditory model. When a series of complex physiologicalfunctions are modeled and mathematically abstracted ,we found out that thecochlea is actually a living wavelet filter, while lumps of cells workinginfatiguedly for the Fourier Transform--the way the hearing cortex to grasp asound Some interesting things can be also found in our visual system Thecontour and texture based image coding is one of the inspirations given by ourown eyes, and is just one of the numerous that waiting for us to discover Whenwe are puzzled by piles of questions such as sound and vision, perception andcognition, why don't we go to the Creator and ask how he has handled them?
What to pursue?
Concluded form above, my researchexperiences concentrate on speech and image processing, with an emphasis oncoding schemes and a special interest on the application of knowledge inbiological and cognitive science. What I am going to do is to develop myinterest on speech or image processing, preferably with an interdisciplinaryapproach. Because of the rapid advances and the active environment of such afield in the United States. I am sure that an institution with a worldreputation on electrical engineering like yours is my first choice. However,due to my broad interest in electronics and other branches of learning, thereis always no limitations on specific programs.
Still further
Upon receiving a doctoral degree in theStates, I will go back to my mother country, not only for the beloved land andpeople, but also for the temptation of eastern philosophy. The idea hit upon mewhen I caught sight of the graphic of wavelet decomposition that issurprisingly similar to the ancient Taoist interpretation of the generation ofuniverse . It has been widely accepted that eastern thought would play animportant role in future science and I believe the instillation of modernwestern ideas could accelerate the process. As the descendant of the Orient. Iam willing to make some useful attempts.

IP属地:日本1楼2015-08-15 18:48回复