"I thought your Beardy Weirdy was like...Santa!" Taylor一手举着叉子一手抓着自己的头发对着对面的人大吼。 Sean慢慢咀嚼着自己嘴里培根,环顾了一下整个餐厅,又若有所思得沉默地盯了对面的Taylor好长一段时间,又低下头插起了另一块培根。 舞蹈学校的餐厅,人总是满满的,点的东西总是少少的。 Taylor放下叉子,啃了一口苹果,把一根骨头朝Sean的脑袋扔去,“Hey!Say something!” Sean轻松地侧身躲过骨头的恐怖袭击。抬头看了一眼,"What should I say?"
"I don't know..."Taylor四十五的仰望天空,把嘴里的苹果咽了下去,"I mean he's hot, really hot."Taylor 装作没看见Sean幽怨的小眼神,"Hmm, he IS a little bit weird, just a little bit, but, teachers always like some jokes, don't they." "Are you done?"Sean突然冒出来一句,Taylor吓了一跳。"I mean, are you donr with your food, your...apple?" "What?"Taylor疑惑的看着他。 不就是谈论个老师么,至于反应那么大么。。。
"Why?"Taylor又问道。 Sean再次环顾四周,警惕的看着远处的几个穿棕色棒球衫的男男女女。"Listen, I don't wanna talk about this thing right here. So many ears."他站起身来,俯身在Taylor的耳边小声讲道,还不忘用手遮住嘴巴,"There are something important you need to know." 说完他端起餐盘,只是眼睛还没有她,"I'll come and pick you up afterclass. Then you'll know everything." 仿佛是眨眼间,Sean消失了,只留Taylor呆呆的坐在那里,一个字一个字的揣摩着他的话,手里的苹果由淡黄缓缓幻化为深红。
"We need a talk, Miss Swift." 当Taylor准备出门收拾自己的包,把服装和鞋子装进袋子里时,Mr.Stelean叫住了她。 "That's alright."Abigail拍拍她的微微颤抖的肩,"Might be something great.Calm down." 终于,等所有学员全部出了教室(Diana和Abigail最后在门口对她竖了大拇指)之后,Mr.Stelean缓缓的将门关上,回来坐在浑身发抖的Taylor面前的钢琴上。 "Don't be scared, MY swan queen would never be scared by anyting espacially this old man who is sitting on this piano right here."
Mr. Stelean递过来一张乐谱,每一个音符上都清清楚楚地写着舞蹈演员的每一个动作。黄色标注的明显是伴舞,蓝色的是王子,黑色的是魔王,然后—— "The Red part is yours.Actually you can ignore the others, then I'll put your guys together."Mr.Stelean突然放低声音,"And don't let anybody know this. I wan't this to be a surprise."