@sbnb时代 以下是Rapinoe在接受NBC采访时发表的言论——
"I mean really disappointed, to be honest," Rapinoe said in an interview with NBC sports when asked about her reaction to Solo's comments. "That's not our team, that's not what this team has always been, that's not what this team will be in the future."
Rapinoe, a world and Olympic champion midfielder with the USWNT, went on: "It's frustrating sometimes as an athlete, you're thrust into the spotlight and you know I think this team has always done a really amazing job of understanding that we have this incredible platform, let's do something good with it. Let's be badass, let's be fierce, let's be competitive.
"But we're gracious, we're humble and we play the game a certain way - whether we win or lose. And we've been on the winning side quite a bit and when we find ourselves on the other side we need to handle that graciously and unfortunately that wasn’t the case."