Here I am, since I'm here I have to say a few words! Only say a few words! If I don't say a few words! I'm sorry man, now that I have to say a few words! So must be to talk ~ so I decided to say a few words. Consider good to say a few words after! I come here to say a few words! Obviously I was inadvertently into for a few words! After I spoke a few words, I feel I should not say more. Just say the most important of a few words! Although only a few words! But!!!! You don't look down on me this a few words! There is this very important words! Is this a few words can change what? A few words may change everything! Maybe, I said these words what also can't change! But!!! Even if I said a few words cannot change anything! But I still want to I want to say a few words of words! If I don't I want to say a few words of words! So, I came here and did not speak out what I want to say a few words ~ ~ first of all, don't say I want to say these words I'm sorry I myself! In fact I don't speak out these words! Just waste my above a few words! In the end I was summed up!!!!!!!!!!! I just say a few words at will.
-- ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ 这个小尾巴刷经验最好啦
-- ิۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖۖิۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۖ
ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ ۣۣۖۖ ۖ ۣۣۖۖิ ۖิิۣۣۖۖิۣ ۣۣۖۖۖิۖิิ 这个小尾巴刷经验最好啦