I read his story,I feel his heart,I am a new race of timelord from human being.I know one guy who always introduce himself to everyone——I am doctor,just the Doctor.
Leading my ways,no more emotion,just treat him as an old friend,and always feel his heart.
New race of timelord,
Our spirit hometown is the place called the Gallifrey.
Our physical hometown is the blue waterball called the Earth.
We are human,but with a bit inspiration of timelord,andour job is to widespread the inspiration around the world.
I am doing it.

Leading my ways,no more emotion,just treat him as an old friend,and always feel his heart.
New race of timelord,
Our spirit hometown is the place called the Gallifrey.
Our physical hometown is the blue waterball called the Earth.
We are human,but with a bit inspiration of timelord,andour job is to widespread the inspiration around the world.
I am doing it.