Huishang Bank the first even regionjoint-stock bank in China, which is the reorganizational of the city commercialbanks and the credit cooperation. Over last ten years, Huishang Bank has alwayskept it in mind its social ability and uphold the principal of honesty andcredibility. It plays an important role in promoting the economic and socialdevelopment of Anhui. on the basis ofthe current situation of Anhiu's enterprise culture construction. This thesisis to analysis the existing problems in Huishang Bank, especially the lackingof the guideline in its brand's core value, the lack of theory onorganizational culture, the inadequate culture executives strength and the lesscultural contunualities. Follows are some advices to deal with those problem.First, to inspire enterprise's culture really work. Second, to motivateincentive and restraint mechanism. Third, to enhance the implementation of theculture. Moreover, to strength the construction of culture continuality. Allthis will help Huishang Bank to be more productive and more brand influential,and finally achieve the goal of becoming century-old bank.