【怪胎秀/Freak Show】
绝无仅有 不要错过 百年难得的人
Not like this scarce one can be found in ten thousand years should be missed
哪里来的新变种 得好好研究
The new variant of unknown origin deserves some good research
彩色瞳孔 尖锐唇峰 演化淘汰耳朵
Colorized pupil, sharp front lip, evolvement eliminates ears
简直全新的物种 在惊艳四座
What a stunning brand-new species
马戏班在骚动 整个一票难求
Uproar in circus, hard to get a ticket to see
What an absurd freak show
啊 够惊悚 才能哗众取宠
Only enough horror causes flubdub
Only live for tonight
掌声欢迎 对号入座 场内禁止沈默
Welcome to take it personally with applause, silence is prohibited here
台下观众更带种 在期待什么
The audience under the stage has more balls, waiting for something
别吊他们胃口 让大家都拍手
Don't tantalize them, make everyone clap
场面要欢声雷动 气氛最高峰
Cheers resound like rolls of thunder, reaching the most intensive atmosphere
Give me an absurd freak show
A bit of morbidity is nothing
Rather to be a silent audience
Others can be freaks instead
绝无仅有 不要错过 百年难得的人
Not like this scarce one can be found in ten thousand years should be missed
哪里来的新变种 得好好研究
The new variant of unknown origin deserves some good research
彩色瞳孔 尖锐唇峰 演化淘汰耳朵
Colorized pupil, sharp front lip, evolvement eliminates ears
简直全新的物种 在惊艳四座
What a stunning brand-new species
马戏班在骚动 整个一票难求
Uproar in circus, hard to get a ticket to see
What an absurd freak show
啊 够惊悚 才能哗众取宠
Only enough horror causes flubdub
Only live for tonight
掌声欢迎 对号入座 场内禁止沈默
Welcome to take it personally with applause, silence is prohibited here
台下观众更带种 在期待什么
The audience under the stage has more balls, waiting for something
别吊他们胃口 让大家都拍手
Don't tantalize them, make everyone clap
场面要欢声雷动 气氛最高峰
Cheers resound like rolls of thunder, reaching the most intensive atmosphere
Give me an absurd freak show
A bit of morbidity is nothing
Rather to be a silent audience
Others can be freaks instead