Jurassic World director confirms how they obtained mosasaur DNA
Since it was first announced that the marine reptile mosasaurus will be appearing in Jurassic World, some have wondered if it would be explained how the film’s scientists obtained genetic material from such creatures. In the previous movies, it was established that dinosaur DNA was retrieved from mosquitoes trapped in amber that had once fed on dinosaur blood… but there aren’t mosquitoes underwater.
Today, Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow [url]http://provided an explanation[/url], answering the question posed by a follower by posting a link to a [url]http://news article[/url] about soft tissue and genetic material being discovered inside fossilized dinosaur bones themselves – no mosquito required.
今天,《侏罗纪世界》导演Colin Trevorrow对这个问题进行了解释:从恐龙等古生物骨骼内保存的软组织就可以得到它们的遗传物质——也就是说实际上蚊子不一定是必须的。
This technique is briefly referenced in the original movie as well, and Crichton touched on it in the novel (Grant provided Hammond with fractured bone pieces for genetic testing in exchange for his funding), although at the time it was unknown if genetic material could reliably be obtained this way.
In the movie series, as in real life, it appears that the technology has advanced in the past 20-plus years, and InGen/Masrani are now able to retrieve paleo-DNA directly from fossil bones as well as the mosquito-in-amber method.
Colin Trevorrow引用的新闻:http://www.nbcnews.com/id/7285683/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/scientists-recover-t-rex-soft-tissue/#.VTKGq_nF98F
侏罗纪公园小说原文:「哦,不完全如此,」格兰特说道。「当我们拿走破碎的,或其他因某种原因不适宜在博物馆保存的 化石时,我们就把这些骨头送往一家实验室,在那里把它们磨成粉,并设法替我们提取蛋白质。然后再 对这些蛋白质进行鉴定,并把报告送回我们这里。」
Since it was first announced that the marine reptile mosasaurus will be appearing in Jurassic World, some have wondered if it would be explained how the film’s scientists obtained genetic material from such creatures. In the previous movies, it was established that dinosaur DNA was retrieved from mosquitoes trapped in amber that had once fed on dinosaur blood… but there aren’t mosquitoes underwater.
Today, Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow [url]http://provided an explanation[/url], answering the question posed by a follower by posting a link to a [url]http://news article[/url] about soft tissue and genetic material being discovered inside fossilized dinosaur bones themselves – no mosquito required.
今天,《侏罗纪世界》导演Colin Trevorrow对这个问题进行了解释:从恐龙等古生物骨骼内保存的软组织就可以得到它们的遗传物质——也就是说实际上蚊子不一定是必须的。
This technique is briefly referenced in the original movie as well, and Crichton touched on it in the novel (Grant provided Hammond with fractured bone pieces for genetic testing in exchange for his funding), although at the time it was unknown if genetic material could reliably be obtained this way.
In the movie series, as in real life, it appears that the technology has advanced in the past 20-plus years, and InGen/Masrani are now able to retrieve paleo-DNA directly from fossil bones as well as the mosquito-in-amber method.
Colin Trevorrow引用的新闻:http://www.nbcnews.com/id/7285683/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/scientists-recover-t-rex-soft-tissue/#.VTKGq_nF98F
侏罗纪公园小说原文:「哦,不完全如此,」格兰特说道。「当我们拿走破碎的,或其他因某种原因不适宜在博物馆保存的 化石时,我们就把这些骨头送往一家实验室,在那里把它们磨成粉,并设法替我们提取蛋白质。然后再 对这些蛋白质进行鉴定,并把报告送回我们这里。」