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【Hoh Mongol】蒙古国已经确定要出口中国肉类产品的公司企业了


Meat exportation licenses were provided to several Mongolian meat processing companies on April 13.
The following companies will now be able to export meat to China:
Meat Market and Mongol Eco meat LLC - permitted to export beef and mutton processed by thermal technology
Meat Market, Green Grace Land LLC, Mongolian Eco Meat LLC, and Darkhan Meat Food LLC - permitted to prepare beef and mutton in their butchering factories for export
Mongolian Eco Meat LLC and Darkhan Meat Food LLC - permitted to export whole frozen horse meat
Khaan Khuns LLC - permitted to export frozen dumplings and buuz with horse meat
The consumption of meat in China is increasing year by year, and Chinese companies are eager to take advantage of opportunities for increased business. According to a report from China's Committee of National Development and Renovation, in 2002 the consumption of mutton per person was 2.47 kg, and in 2010 it was 3.01 kg. In 2015 it increased to 3.23 kg.

1楼2015-04-18 11:10回复