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原文大标题:Interview: *The Strain* co-star Richard Sammel on Nazis, vampires and how he*s like Jean-Claude Van Damme(采访:<The Strain>主要演员Richard Sammel谈纳粹、吸血鬼还有他咋会像Jean-Claude Van Damme)
原文小标题:German actor also discusses Eichorst*s makeup routine(这位德国演员还谈论了Eichorst的化妆过程
原文作者:Daniel Fienberg (HitFixDaniel)

1楼2015-03-29 21:44回复
    When it comes to motivations, Sammel suggests that he has done nearly 100 movies and he*s only worked in a Nazi context in 22 of them, a fact he accepts as "generational guilt."
    Sammel, who speaks more languages than you do better than you do (or more languages than I do better than I do), talks in long, articulate bursts, giving answers that sometimes range over 1000 words. Fortunately, they*re thoughtful and often funny words and in our 30 minute conversation, I found that he was anticipating my follow-up questions with some frequency.
    Honestly, I could have talked about the "generational guilt" idea and how it relates to a show about vampires for the full interview, but I also wanted to talk with Sammel about Eichorst*s complicated makeup routine and getting to do stunt work in recent episodes.
    Sunday (September 7) night*s episode of "The Strain" is a big one for Sammel. Check out the full Q&A below. And be sure to read it in your head using Sammel/Eichorst*s German accent...
    在周日(9月7日)晚的<The Strain>中,Sammel将有重要戏份。欢迎浏览以下的问答环节。试试用上Sammel/Eichorst特有的德国口音阅读以下内容吧...

    3楼2015-03-29 21:46
      HitFix: In Episode 107, which you mentioned, we got to see a little bit of Eichorst in action. How much stuntwork did you get to do in the subway scene?
      Richard Sammel: [Huge smile.] I*m very proud of that. They call me the Jean-Claude Van Damme of "The Strain" because I did all my stunts on my own. [He laughs.] That*s what you do. It*s my potential, so I train myself. I do not pump up my muscles, but I do a lot of yoga. I was a dancer before, so I*m used to a daily practice. It*s also very nice that you can have close-ups. That doesn*t mean that I canceled the stunts-work. I don*t want him to lose his job. He*s always there and he does some stuff too, but basically we double it. We have done a lot of stuff, we have done both. The fact is that he needs to hide his face and I do not. So that*s a big advantage for me. But still, the stunts now become very important. We work second and first unit. First unit does the official schedule and second unit wipes up all what the first unit wasn*t able to do in time. We have two units workings all the time and it possible that my stunt takes care of establishing shots or when you see me from the back, that I could not do because I*m on the other unit where you need to see my face. So it*s actually a nice collaboration. But I*m taking care of doing my own stunts, the nice ones. Yeah, yeah.
      Richard Sammel:[大笑。]很荣幸啊。他们把我称作<The Strain>中的Jean-Claude Van Damme(尚格云顿)。因为我所有的特技都是我亲自演出来的。[他在笑。]就是做到了。这是就我的潜力哈,我有花心思练过。我没有练就一身肌肉,但我练过不少瑜伽。我以前还是个舞蹈员的说,所以我习惯每天抽时间练练。而角色能有特效镜头,这感觉也很不错。但这不是说我们支开了特技员。我不希望他丢了自己的饭碗哈。他一直都在边上,也在帮忙打点各种细节。所以总的来说,是我们共同努力的结果。我们做了很多事情,我们一起完成了工作。只不过他需要(在镜头前)隐藏好自己,而我不要。所以,我还是捡了大便宜。但说回来,特效已经变得很重要了。我和2个小组共事。第一组负责主要的拍摄任务,而第二组负责第一组不能及时搞定的其它镜头。我们从头到尾一直有2组人在忙活,可能我的特技动作需要照顾到前方的镜头拍摄,所以如果你要是从后面看过来,就看不到什么,那是因为我主要还是要照顾到正面对着我拍摄的那一组(镜头)。所以一切都是默契合作的成果。但是我只专注于在我这边,做好我的特技,那些漂亮的特技。嗯,嗯。

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