My DJ friend invited me to a movie screening last night. When he told me it was at his bubble dome in Chaoyang Park, I was prepared for what I thought would be a drive-in type of movie thing...
Little did I know that was a fancy smancy movie premiere starring Jet Li and Jackie Chan. We did not stay for the entire 3 hour show, but it was an ineresting event.
Its always interesting to people watch and take in the celebrity phenomenom craze. People swarm famous people like bees do to honey. A star in the presence of us ordinary folk is like a money tree that no one can get enough of, but why?
Hypothetical Scenario: Let's say you're completely oblivious and ignorant to the fact that the person you've been chatting with for the past ten minutes is a pretty hot celebrity...Once you find out they're big time, does that influence how you see them, how you act? Does the new information make you more hesistant to be yourself now?
I was by a tent and hoards of people were trying to get pics with Jackie Chan. I wanted one too. But the security personnel were guarding him like a pack of Doberman's outside a Swiss bank. You had to be someone or know someone in order to get the right of clicking ur camera with him...And this Xiao Xiong had no Kibbles n' Bits.
I thought to myself: what's the big deal? He's famous, but he's still human. Not knowing anyone, I just approached him, introduced myself, told him that I watched a lot of Rush Hour and asked if it would be cool to get a pic. Simple as that. He was nice. Fake smile for the camera...Click click.
Before I decided to do what no one else was doing, a part of me was thinking in that freeze frame moment of choice: what if i get rejected and lose face? But the part of me that said life is short, who cares! won the battle of hesitation. Like any sitaution in life, you can choose TO DO WHAT YOU WANT AND NOT CARE ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK, or later regret it. Are you governed by fear, or passion? For me, the desire to not regret getting a pic with the Kung Fu King himself far outweighed my fear of looking like a groupie fan who might get turned down.