定义编辑是一种安装于槽轴上,用作固定零部件的轴向运动,这类挡圈的内径比装配轴径稍小。安装时须用卡簧钳,将钳嘴插入挡圈的钳孔中,扩张挡圈,才能放入预先加工好的轴槽上。学科紧固件(一级学科) ;标准件(二级学科) ;轴用弹性挡圈 (三级学科);相关类别孔用弹性挡圈,E形弹性挡圈,C形弹性挡圈,外锁夹紧挡圈,反向孔用弹性挡圈,反向轴用弹性挡圈。常规包装以油纸或塑料为一个批次包装,表面一般以磷化发黑为主,俗称外卡。轴用挡圈生产时需要注意的几方面;一是表面平整;二是硬度弹性合格;三是不能有边角毛刺,国内目前厂家有质品五金,具备了挡圈成熟化工艺。轴用挡圈生产材料有65Mn弹簧钢;SUS304不锈钢;SUS316不锈钢为主。 2按用途分类编辑1.轴用弹性挡圈a) 单孔轴用挡圈b) 双孔轴用挡圈2.反向轴用弹性挡圈 3标准编辑轴用开口弹性挡圈 Lock washers (retaining washers) for shaftsDIN 6799孔用挡圈—标准型和重型 Circlips (retaining rings) for bores - Normal type and heavy typeDIN 472轴用挡圈—带外凸耳型 Retaining rings with lugs for use on shafts (external circlips)DIN 983轴用钢丝挡圈及挡圈槽 Round wire snap rings and snap ring grooves for shafts and boresDIN 7993轴用挡圈—标准型和重型 Circlips (retaining rings)for shafts - Normal type and heavy typeDIN 471孔用挡圈—带内凸耳型 Spring retaining rings with lugs for use in bores (internal circlips)DIN 984Circlips(retaining rings)for shaftsDIN 471Circlips(retaining rings)for boresDIN 472Retaining rings with lugsDIN 983Spring retaining rings with lugsDIN 984Lock washersDIN 6799Round wire snap rings and snap ring grooves. For shafts boresDIN 7993