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解读Update#11 有关Pebble手表防水的问题


有关pebble的防水 我先说一下我自己的解读 后面再在为大家贴上原帖原文供参考讨论
首先据我所知 大部分传统手表的防水都是使用橡胶防水圈的形式对开合部件进行密封的 这里指的是大家的Casio Seiko Citizen等消费级手表 劳力士没买过也没了解过 每个防水等级的定义我也不列数据了 橡胶圈密封的手表会在冷热交替 热水浸泡 以及化学药剂侵袭 甚至老化的条件下失去相应的防水等级 而且有按键和转针的手表特别需要注意 只有达到潜水等级(200M以上含)时 才可在水下操纵按键 而且随着使用和老化 防水圈肯定会有漏水的个例
说回我们的pebble 官方宣称pebble第一代以及金属版第一代(pebble steel)拥有5ATM的防水能力 而且这次特别宣传了这个ISO认证的等级从标准上是高于sony等一众厂商的IPXX等级的 而且称产品是可用于游泳和冲澡(shower)其实已经是很高标准的产品了 只是现实是复杂的 我个人会戴手表冲澡 但只在赶时间的时候会 晚上睡前不会的 不需要看时间 游泳的话泳池有钟可以看就不带 没有的话自己掌握时间就会戴200m防水等级的G-shock 之所以这么小心是因为手表本身是精密仪器 小心对待没有错啦
所以各位亲 pebble正常洗澡游泳理论上是可行的 只是个人不太建议这么做 希望pebble能长长久久地给我们的生活带来更多便利
ps:还有新的pebble time和time steel由于那个mic开孔已经整体降级为30m防水了 但是主要部件还是50m防水
From original post update#11 from Kickstarter of Pebble Time and Pebble Time Steel
Water resistance for Pebble Time
In order to make sure it works great during sports, fitness and regular life activities, we designed Pebble Time and Pebble Time Steel to be water resistant. Our design and hardware engineering teams created a mechanical design with a water-tight seal, as well as a suite of tests to ensure that the watch would work even after being exposed to normal, every-day situations like going for a swim, running in the rain, showering or washing dishes.
Pebble Time was tested according to the ISO 22810 standard. Most other smartwatches are only rated under the less rigorous IEC 60529 IPXX scale, and normal watches are tested to a specific ‘static pressure’, but we felt you deserved better. In addition, every single Pebble Time watch is tested during the production process for leaks using high-pressure air to ensure the integrity of the seals (we use a fancy Swiss test rig called a Witschi Proofmaster).
In order to test the watch under ‘dynamic’ conditions, more representative of swimming, our engineers created a test using a swimming simulator with a machine that looks kind of like a paddle wheel. We strap Pebble Time watches to each spoke and repeatedly splash them into water to simulate swimming. With these tests completed, we’re pleased to confirm that Pebble Time functions great as sport and swim watch.
It’s important to note that Pebble Time is not a dive watch, though. While we’ve taken care to design most of the mechanical components of the watch case to withstand a depth of 50m, there is a membrane inside that separates the microphone from the outside world. It has a high but limited tolerance for static pressure and therefore limits the depth rating to 30m.
(There’s also a myth out there that swimming generates a higher ‘dynamic’ pressure much greater than 30m. It’s false - physics just doesn’t work like that.)

IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-03-27 17:38回复
    竟然沉了 呵呵 再贴点图

    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-03-27 18:13

      IP属地:福建来自Android客户端3楼2015-03-27 18:50
        貌似又有人带pebble泡温泉去了 呵呵 还是小心为好

        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端5楼2015-04-01 23:09

          IP属地:福建6楼2015-04-01 23:44

            来自iPhone客户端7楼2015-04-02 16:26

              IP属地:福建来自Android客户端8楼2015-04-03 10:29

                来自iPhone客户端9楼2022-12-02 09:45
                  竟然还有人关心这个产品 那我再更新一波
                  这个pebble还有人在用吗?反正我已经换Apple Watch了 8年前pebble是智能手表先锋 现在已经是电子产品文物了吧(不能说是电子垃圾 因为我还在用1999年的md听歌)防水肯定是防的 但是电子产品防水都是有寿命的 防水的橡胶圈会老化 5-10年之后都会老化 现在能买到的pebble都是5年寿命以上了 我自己还收藏了pebble time steel和pebble steel 偶尔拿出来充个电 但是不再用了

                  IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端10楼2022-12-06 21:02

                    来自Android客户端11楼2023-01-22 11:51