Switzerland, Luxembourgplan to join China-led development bank瑞士、卢森堡计划加入中国领导的银行

Switzerland and Luxembourg are planning tojoin the Beijing-backed development bank AIIB, China's finance ministry said,the latest European nations to sign up to the multilateral lender which hasdrawn scepticism from the United States.
Britain, France, Germany and Italy have already announced theirintentions to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank -- which is viewedby some as a competitor to the World Bank and the Manila-based AsianDevelopment Bank.
Switzerland will formally become a founding member of the bank later this monthif approved by other members, China'sfinance ministry said in a statement late Friday.
A separate ministry statement said Luxembourg hadalso applied.
China's finance chief Lou Jiwei on Fridaysaid the bank had 27 "prospective" founding members, the officialXinhua news agency reported, adding the application deadline is March 31.
The bank, which will support infrastructureprojects in Asia, is expected to be set upbefore the end of this year, Xinhua said.
Head of the Organisation for EconomicCo-Operation and Development (OECD), Angel Gurria, on Friday welcomedparticipation in the bank by European countries.
"The fact that some of the European countriesare now associating with the project makes me even more convinced that it isgoing to be run in a very professional, transparent way," he said in Beijing.

Switzerland and Luxembourg are planning tojoin the Beijing-backed development bank AIIB, China's finance ministry said,the latest European nations to sign up to the multilateral lender which hasdrawn scepticism from the United States.
Britain, France, Germany and Italy have already announced theirintentions to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank -- which is viewedby some as a competitor to the World Bank and the Manila-based AsianDevelopment Bank.
Switzerland will formally become a founding member of the bank later this monthif approved by other members, China'sfinance ministry said in a statement late Friday.
A separate ministry statement said Luxembourg hadalso applied.
China's finance chief Lou Jiwei on Fridaysaid the bank had 27 "prospective" founding members, the officialXinhua news agency reported, adding the application deadline is March 31.
The bank, which will support infrastructureprojects in Asia, is expected to be set upbefore the end of this year, Xinhua said.
Head of the Organisation for EconomicCo-Operation and Development (OECD), Angel Gurria, on Friday welcomedparticipation in the bank by European countries.
"The fact that some of the European countriesare now associating with the project makes me even more convinced that it isgoing to be run in a very professional, transparent way," he said in Beijing.