这是BBC为Watson弄得符合剧情的博客。在之前的博客文章评论里,这个匿名的人(Anonymous)就是Moriarty,不断给Sherlock发送威胁文句。 如图评论是在Sherlock回归的时候,也就是Moriarty死后两年,出现的。 至少说明剧组在这里留下悬念。 那个“Did you miss me?”的病毒视频也就有可能不是Mycroft为留下Sherlock而故意散播出去的了。
之后就出现了评论: Oh!! How can I delete this?! I meant to say 'you-know-who' not his name!! Don't read this! Nobody read this! Molly Hooper 26 March 00:12 Hi, sorry, are you the lady who works in the morgue? The one with the nose? Jim 26 March 00:14 Who are you? Molly Hooper 26 March 00:15 Sorry! I work in the IT dept. Stupid night shift. Jim 26 March 00:17 Are you all right? You've gone quiet... Jim 26 March 00:22 Sorry. I'm just feeling a bit silly. I didn't know anyone read my blog. What's wrong with my nose? Molly Hooper 26 March 00:26 Nothing. It's a cute nose. I hope you don't mind me saying. I'm here all night so I need more coffee. Jim 26 March 00:28 Okay. Molly Hooper 26 March 00:30 Do you like coffee? Jim 26 March 00:32 Yes Molly Hooper 26 March 00:34 Would you like to meet for coffee? In the canteen? Jim 26 March 00:35 Erm... okay. 5 minutes? Molly Hooper 26 March 00:40 See you there! Jim 26 March 00:41