There's no homo There's no gay (此地性癖 别无他异)PHILOSOPHY is the only way(唯我哲学 开天辟地)Nothing to waste and Nothing to pay(生者本性 无需舍弃)PHILOSOPHY is the only way(唯我哲学 开天辟地)Tear his pants and then pat his ass(裂其羞布 击其尻股)Today's enemies are tommorow's friends(昨日我敌 今至交乎)Don't think you're victors. It always turns.(戒除骄慢 时局变幻)Just show your respects and show them thanks(敬敌似友 来日再战)
There's no homo There's no gay (此地性癖 别无他异)PHILOSOPHY is the only way(唯我哲学 开天辟地)Nothing to waste and Nothing to pay(生者本性 无需舍弃)PHILOSOPHY is the only way(唯我哲学 开天辟地)Tear his pants and then pat his ass(裂其羞布 击其尻股)Today's enemies are tommorow's friends(昨日我敌 今至交乎)Don't think you're victors. It always turns.(戒除骄慢 时局变幻)Just show your respects and show them thanks(敬敌似友 来日再战)