Beauty and the Beast
歌曲简介 1990年发行的迪士尼电影《美女与野兽》的主题曲,词/Howard Ashman,曲/艾伦·曼肯,唱/席琳·迪翁 & 比柏·布莱森。大概很久很久以前,村庄内住着一位漂亮善良的姑娘贝儿,她为了解救被野兽囚禁的父亲,被迫与野兽同居于古堡中,他们相处得并不愉快。一次,野兽拼命从狼群中救回贝儿,令彼此间得到了解,野兽渐渐亦变得温柔,二人不但冰释前嫌互相体谅,更互生情愫。怎知喜欢贝儿的大坏蛋柏加斯自以为是,突然前来袭击野兽,令其身受重伤,性命危在旦夕。深爱贝儿的野兽要她离去,不过贝儿并没有逃跑,反而紧紧与野兽相拥到最后一刻.....
Tale as old as time, true as it can be.古老的传说,如此的真实
Barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly他们本来做朋友都勉强,却有人退让改变,真是出乎意料
Just a little change, small to say the least只是一点点的改变,几乎微不足道
both a little scared, neither one prepared两个人都有些畏惧,都还没有准备好
Beauty and the beast美女与野兽
Ever just the same曾经是一样的
ever a surprise曾经是个惊人之事
Ever as before曾经在从前
Ever just as sure曾经很确信
As the sun will rise就像太阳升起一样
Ever just the same曾经是一样的
Ever a surprise曾经是个惊人之事
Ever as before曾经在从前
And ever just as sure曾经是确信的
As the sun will rise就像太阳升起的时候
Tale as old as time, tune as old as song古老的传说,古老的曲调
Bitter sweet and strange百感交集 心中激动又甜蜜
Finding you can change发现你能改变
learning you were wrong能认识到错误
Certain as the sun就像太阳一样
(Certain as the sun)(就像太阳一样)
Rising in the east从东方升起
Tale as old as time,Song as old as rhyme古老的传说,古老的歌韵
beauty the beast美女与野兽
Tale as old as time,tune as old as song古老的传说,古老的旋律
Beauty and the beast美女与野兽
这首《 美女与野兽》主题曲获得了第64届奥斯卡和金球奖的最佳原著音乐及最佳歌曲奖,同时获得了格莱美男女声合唱奖。
作曲亚伦·曼肯(Alan Menken)和作词霍华德·亚瑟曼(Howard Ashman)的配合使之增色不少,他们将热闹的摇滚乐和夸张的百老汇音乐相互融合,发展成别具一格的迪士尼式浪漫童话,配乐深获好评。该主题曲由抒情歌王Peabo Bryson和流行天后Celion Dion深情演绎,分别代表了美女和野兽柔情和激荡的内心世界,展现了一场跨越世俗、感人至深的旷世之恋,成为百听不厌的经典。